53- The Party

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A Month later 

I was lying on the carpet in my room , looking up at the ceiling as i watched the fan going round and round and round . 

"Y/n why aren't you ready yet ?" i turned my head to the side and saw Taehyun standing at the doorway . 

"I don't want to go to that stupid party" I fake cried . 

"You'll have to y/n . The people coming in that party are friends with Haejung . THAT MEANS INFO" He said and i sighed . 

"I am so sick of him because why do i have to hang out with him every other day?" I said as i got up . 

"This could be the last time" he said and my head jerked towards him . 

"What do you mean? Isn't the last supposed to be when i go to his house ?" I asked and he shook his head . 

"Taehyuk got a cyber police officer , one of the best . The plan is that you go to the party , install the device she gives you , when you install the device , the wifi will stop working , then there is another device she will give you , that will be HER wifi device , whoever connects to that wifi will give her the permission to hack their device , which means she can get into almost anyone's phone." He said and i stared at him "You're telling me the cops are working?" I asked and he burst out laughing . "Wow after 1 month they finally have a solid plan" i said making him only laugh louder . 

"Do you have the devices right now?" i ask as he walks out chuckling and comes back with 2 of them . They were small cuboid devices , very compact , with one side which was sticky . 

"Go get ready , his car should be here to pick you up anytime." Taehyun said and i nodded as i walked in my closet . My clothes were still packed in my suitcase , i had faith in my boys , i knew we would be going back very soon . And 1 month wasn't that long , it passed away in seconds . 


"Hiii Y/n i am so glad you could make it" I heard as i turned to the direction from where i heard the voice come from . Haejung , squeezed through the people as he walked towards me with a beer in his hand . 

"i am thankful to be here , This party is so lively , i love it" i didn't love it . i smiled as he guided me inside . "Do you want to meet my friends ?" He asked and i nodded immediately as if that's the most interesting thing in the world . Out of nowhere he holds my hand , as i was caught off guard "I'm sorry just for a minute" he said as he noticed me staring at his hand which was holding my hand . He very quickly squeezed through people dancing and led me to a table right near the bar . He lets go of my hand when we reached the table , there were 5 men sitting on the C shaped couch with a table of food and 5 glasses of drinks in front of them . 

"Guys this is Lee Y/N . My friend" he said as i slightly bowed "Its nice to meet you , y/n" One of the guys with wine red hair , and brown eyes said "I am Haejoon , his brother" he said and my eyes widened in shock . 

'The fuck? he has a brother?' 

I looked at Haejung , and then back at his brother Haejoon . Now that i looked closely they did look similar . 

"Let me guess , you didn't know?" Haejung asked and i shook my head like a child , and amidst the loud music , and haejung laughing , i heard a soft whisper saying 'Cute' . I looked around to all of them , but couldn't recognize who said it . 

"Well now you know , Everyone come on be a gentleman and introduce yourself ." Haejung said , grabbing my attention . 

A guy with midnight blue hair and hazel brown eyes got up "I am Kevin , nice to meet you." he said as i replied with "Nice to meet you too" . he sat down as the next guy with blonde hair and sharpest eyes got up "I am Yeonjun , nice to meet you y/n" he said as my eyes widened in surprise "Your name's Yeonjun?" i ask and his eyes squinted as he nodded . I passed a fake smile "Its nice to meet you Yeonjun" he sits back down and a guy who looked the least intimidating got up , he had soft brown hair with the same shade of brown eyes "I am Beomhan , nice to meet you" He passed the most genuine smile and i smiled back "Nice to meet you too Beomhan" i said as he smiled and sat back down . Next to him was the most intimidating one out of all of them , He had jet black hair with blonde highlights which reminded me of Beomgyu , and eyes of a cat which reminded me of Yoongi , but something that caught my eyes was the scar that ran along his eyes , the scar started from above his eyebrow and ended a few inches under his eye . "Its very nice to meet you Y/n I am Kenji Nakamura" he smirked as i bowed slightly "I-its nice to meet you too Kenji" 

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