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I had a earpiece connected to everyone on the team and taehyun . The plan was very simple . I bump into Haejung . Act like I know him which I did . And the rest is on what he does .

Taehyuk: Y/N can you hear me ?

(Taehyuk is the police officer who is incharge of the case in case you forgot)

"Yes I can" I said holding on the earpiece .

Taehyuk: You need to walk to your side in , 3 , 2 , 1. NOW

I got up instantly and pretended to be on my phone as I bumped into haejungs arm .

My phone fell down , as I bent down and picked it up , and looked up to make an eye contact with him .

"I'm so sorry , I wasn't looking" I said In English to not seem suspicious .

He stared at me for a solid 2 minutes before smiling "Its alright" he replied in Korean. 

"Oh! You're Korean too ?" I asked playing dumb and he nodded .

"Oh it feels nice to have someone from the same nationality . I'm Lee Y/n" I said as I extended my hand for a handshake . Without any second thoughts he took my hand in his "I know" he said as I squinted my eyes pretending to be confused .

"I'm Haejung , uhm I don't know if you remember but we were in the same college" He said and I gasped 'surprised'

"Oh my god you're the topper" I said and he chuckled and nodded .

"Oh its so nice to meet you again Haejung" i said as I saw him smirk "Nice to meet you to y/n" I stood there thinking of all the thoughts about punching him right in his face .

"So you're staying at this hotel ?" I ask him and he nods "Same" I said and he takes a step towards me . I was going to take a step back but that would make him think I'm afraid of him .

"What brings you here? I heard the news about your friends and your boyfriend being in coma . What are you doing here ?" He asks as if he was in suspicion .

"I can't stay there . I–I can't do it . I won't be able to tolerate staying with them while they're in coma . It hurts way too much" I said as I felt my eyes getting teary so I looked to my side and wiped my eyes .

"Oh , so you're gonna stay here for a few months?" He asks and I nod "I have brought a house nearby . We are just checking out" I said and his eyes squinted .

"We?" He asks and I reply "Yeah my friend taehyun is here too" I answer and the look of confusion didn't leave "Wasn't he included in the accident ?" He asks .

I was hesitant . Did I mess up by telling him taehyun is here with me? .

Taehyun: Y/n answer him

I heard taehyun in the earpiece .

"Yeah...yeah he was but he survived . He didn't fall in coma too" I said and haejung looked to the side and nodded . I noticed his jaw was clenched and I regretted telling him that taehyun was alive .

"Well I'll see you later" I said as I walked away to taehyun who was standing at the reception .

Now I only hoped haejung to ask me for lunch or dinner or to atleast meet me once again .

"Hey y/n?" He calls out and I smile to myself and turn around .

"Yeah?" I ask

"Wanna grab lunch together tomorrow?"  He asks and I smile "Yeah sure . I'll meet you here at the lobby ?" I ask and he nods .


"Y/n calm down" Taehyun says as I walk ahead of him .

"Calm down? I am going on a fucking lunch with the guy who staged my friends , and my boyfriend's accident . And very possibly killed my ex boyfriend . This is insane . Why the fuck am I doing this?" I said as he caught up to me and stopped me from going further .

"That's the only way . And you just need to get crazy close to him , at least to the point that he takes you to to his mansion here . That's it . Then we leave" he said ad I rolled my eyes .

"I hate doing this" I said and he smiled "I know but please just put up with it this once . I know you're stronger than this" he said as he cups my face .

I suddenly hear some breaking voice in my earpiece and I'm sure Taehyun did too because his eyes squinted in confusion like me .

Taehyuk: Y/n Haejung is spying on you both , he's across the road . Taehyun remove your hand . Y/n push him as if you're mad at him.
I hear the clear voice of the Taehyunk the case leader . And I did what he said . I pushed Taehyun and stomped ahead of him .

"Taeshyun catch up . Have a fake fight you both" I heard as I felt Taehyun grab onto my hand and I wanked it out of his hand .

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled .

"Y/n go inside your apartment building"

"But won't that tell him where we are living" I asked as i stomped closer to the apartment building .

"That's what we want . Now go in" I said as I hesitantly walked in .

"Taehyun follow up" I heard as I was walking to the elevator .


I stomped inside our apartment and my first step was to close all the curtains and pull the blinders .

"Why the fuck did you ask us to fight ?" I asked as I pressed harder on my earpiece .

Taehyuk:bBecause I'm guessing He will try to kill him again

I heard as rage filled inside me "Even I thought that but why the fight?" I asked .

Taehyuk:Because he needs to know you guys aren't that good of Friends and that he might have a chance with you

He said and I closed my eyes .

"What is your full plan ?" I ask .

Taehyuk: You need to get hella close to him , atleast get him to trust you so that he takes you to his mansion . I'm sure he has some software system which has his wrong deeds . And you will be provided a pen drive which you will attach to the system and we get information aka we can get him in jail

"Why are you so sure that , that software device isn't with him right now?" I asked .

Taehyuk: Because he would never risk it

'That made sense'

Taehyuk: Tomorrow for that lunch , you'll not use a earpiece , we will give you a button looking like voice recorder .  I'm sending it over by beomhan, please sew it to your outfit tomorrow.

"Okay...I'm just reminding you, I will drop this mission once even one of them is awake . Am I clear?" I ask and I could hear him sigh

Taehyuk: Yeah .


(Something is wrong with wattpad or my wifi because im not able to upload the gifs . And I somehow deleted the gifs I was using . I'm so dumb)

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