Eventually, once again nearby 5 or 6 year boy run toward him and handovering him yellow rose and paper run away from there.

Hyun my heart!! I know I didn't remember today's spacial day but I swear love, this mere single day can't decide my unstoppable love for you. I loved you and will always do.

Yellow rose, did you remember? How you used to ignored your feeling for me? You loved me still didn't courage up to confessed me and I got you love. I sense your misery hyunsuk and decided to make you comfortable with me with the name of friend.

Guess what? I got success. We became friends first then finally got so much closed with ending up confessing each other's.

Crying loudly hyunsuk hug roses and paper closed to heart with nodding to himself. Signing that he remembered their suffering.

"Haneoul come out wherever you are!!! I wanna hug you"

Hyunsuk crying loudly uttered with looking all around the area yet no one come out. Surrounding was so silent that only his crying voice reverberating either side of him.


As so familiar voice of husband touch his ear, he hastily rotated toward entrance of garden where his lover was standing. Hyunsuk smile in tear, haneoul has large bouquet of red roses in wrinkled hand while handsome wrinkle face has wide smile.

Haneoul slowly stepped toward him with same wide smile, eyes too begin to collect salty drops.

" 70 years!!! That was not so easy for us to walk till now love, still we did Hyun. Fighting for us along crying in each other embrace. I still think myself lucky to have you darling, thank you for always be there for me!!"

Haneoul muttered with each slow stepped while eyes dropping constant water, he halted closed to him and forward red rose bouquet with confessing..

"Red rose!! For our true love. our journey was not so simple as those heartless people thought yet we cross each hard bridge of judgment, taunt and cursing words love. Sorry for forgetting biggest day of our life.

Today is the day we met and get connected in bond of marriage. Now I can freely shout in middle of homophobic people; You freaks, I live my life and that to in contentment. More better then you less minded people leaving.

So!! Now My only wish is from that merciful divin that even if he want to take my soul from my body, he can. I won't be sad but bless me to take last breath in your arm. In my darl----"

He could even complete before hyunsuk hug him with loud weeped, memory of painful era played in his mind with making him overwhelmed.

"No han, please don't even dare to left me here alone in this cruel world. Wish almighty to take our soul together. We reach this far with grasping each others hand then how can we separate at last stage, huh?"

Hyunsuk cried out while haneoul laughing patted his head and mumbled sweet nothings in his ear to calm him. Pair love each other like no tomorrow and thought of leaving each other always shattered their heart in thousand.

Meanwhile, two pair of eyes were witnessing heart churning view from previous entrance of garden. Taehyung was grasping strawberry cake in his hand while jungkook was beside him with slidding hands in coat.

Tear of condolence, hurt, sympathy and pity were sinking down through potter's almond eyes while jungkook were still bewildered hearing hardship of front old gay couple. He heard or studied too in collage, how in back era homophobic people used to behave with LGBT yet never bumped with those human who exactly lived in that era and experience it.

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