Start from the beginning

My chest was screaming at me to let go and lay down. But not only did they need this. I needed this. I haven't let myself come to terms with what happened to me. Only what happened to Enzo.

"I think lover boy over there really needs you" Elio whispered quietly before letting go.

I looked over to Luca with tears in my eyes. Tears were already falling down his slight red cheeks.

I began to walk over to Luca but as I took the first step I felt my leg buckle from underneath me. I was quickly caught with Lucas arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

As his head rested on mine, our cries syncing with eachother.

"I'll give you guys a minute okay?" Mar said softly. I nodded and silently thanked him.

Luca quickly picked me up, rapping my legs around his waist, deepening our hug.

"Ari Im so fucking sorry. I told you I would never let them h-hurt you again, and now you're lying in a hospital room." He cried out.

"S-stop Lu please" I cried.

"I-I should have told your brothers when they first texted. M-maybe I could have prevented this. I could have stopped this. I could ha-" I cut him off, crashing my lips onto his.

"Lu stop blaming your self" I said softly as I broke the kiss.

"I'm okay now. And I'm going to tell my brothers okay? That is not your burden to carry. Please do not blame yourself. I promise this was not in anyway your fault love" I said softly as I rested my hand on the side of his face, carefully wiping his tears.

"Are you okay? Mentally? Physically? Are you really okay?" He asked with concern.

I nodded as I tried to give him my most realistic reassuring smile.

"No Please Mi Amore I need to hear you say it. Are you okay?" He asked again this time with more concern and worry in his face as if he already knew my answer.

Tears flooded my eyes. "N-no Im not" I sobbed out.

Luca tightened the hug. "Please come to me when you're ready okay? For now just promise me you'll come to me or one of your brothers or hell one of your cousins if you feel you're going to do something stupid. Okay?" He asked softly.

"I promise Luca" I replied softly.

"I love you Aria" He said softly as he set me down on the bed.

"And I love you Luca" I replied as I let go of him.

Just as Luca headed to get Mar, Leo and Sandro came in along with Enzo in a wheelchair, Elio and Mar.

"Alright Bel where does it hurt?" Leo asked softly.

"Everywhere" I laughed slightly trying to lighten the mood.

"Even in a time like this you still find the time to joke" Sandro laughed.

"Somesones got to" I retoreted.

"Alright being completely serious where does it hurt?" Leo asks in a more stern tone.

"Mainly my stomach, shoulder and leg" I replied honestly.

"and about the other cuts?" Leo asked with concern.

"A little sore but not terrible." I said with a light smile

"Makes sense, the cut on your stomach was worse than any cut I've seen and I work in a hospital and the bullet wounds will be sore but should heal pretty quickly. The rest of the cuts should heal quickly as well but might be sore for a few days." He replied in a professional but caring tone.

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