"How do you know he cooks very good food??"lady Squinted his eyes at him.
Now Seng wanted to dig his own grave because how will he tell his boss that even he goes there on every Sunday to devour it's food.

Jun also was staring at him with questionable eyes.

"Ma-mam that is because I heard when some of our customers talking about that food shop but I did not believe it because how can they would be better than us so went there myself but when I ate their recipe it was so good" he widened his eyes when Jun glared at him.

"Bu-- but I only went there only one time to taste their food"He lied nervously.

"Then it's  good for us"Della smirked checking her newly manicured nailes.

"Are u mad Della how is this good for us,I know you did not want this restaurant at first place but please don't be like that"Jun stands from his seat standing near Della.

"Jun you know what is your problem
you never think before speaking let alone planning something is far away for you" Della scoffed at him.

From how fast Jun standed from his seat same like that speed he seated himself on his previous position because he did not want to anger his wife more.

"But ma'am please don't be mad please explain to us what do you mean by that"Seng asked timidly because he know her anger and it's last thing he wanted to face.

"I did not expect this from you Seng I expected more from you"Della glared at him.

"Well it's not your fault you both can't compare yours that pea size brain to mine, I was saying it's good for us because if that shop is doing good then how about we go to them and buy that shop from them I know lower class people always wanted money they will obviously accept that".

"But ma'am it's not about shop it's there chef which makes delicious dishes"Seng said remembering the taste of his feverite dish.

"Close your mouth Seng"Jun glared at seng.

"Then we will also give them big payment to be work under us but there will be 70% our share and 30% theirs"Della said celebrating her victory in her mind.

"Oh ma'am you are great how great your mind is!!"

"What do you think about me Seng I was always at first in my MBA batch"
It's just that I did not knew this junior of mine also my husband would not do nothing great in future then I would have definitely opened my own business line" Della said taunting his husband.

Jun is asking permission to hit that Jun from the past who decided to hit on his present wife mentally (ouch)

"So ma'am when we will be going to them for the deal"Seng asked happily because if they work under them then he would not have to go there like a thief.

"Why are you this excited seng" Della asked him.
"No- Nothing ma'am it will be good that they will be working under us it will profitable for us" seng replied her.

"But Della are you sure about this that they will say yes to your deal I means to say middle class people have so much self respect maybe they won't be accept our deal"Jun asked voicing his thaughts.

"I know Jun about it and I know what am I doing"Della replied her smirking.

Jun sighed.

"What is the name of the shop Seng??"

"ELLITY ma'am".


Taehyung was staring at some place blankly.

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