Act 20

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<A/N there is attempted r*pe and s/a are in this chapter if you do not feel comfortable reading it just skip to the next chapter because I completely understand if you do.>

<Lilians pov>

While I started to walk through the woods all I could think of was how Bellamy looked at me when he said 'when were you going to tell me you had black blood'. After he said that it kept floating around my head.

Why am I so stupid? Now everyone knows I'm a freak.....I'm a freak who doesn't think. I'm a freak who would die trying to save her friends. I'm a freak because I'm in love with.......Clarke Griffin.

Clarke. What if she thinks I'm a freak since she found out about my blood at the river on our first day on earth? What if I'm just in love with her and she doesn't want me like that. What if I'm just her friend.....shit I'm so pathetic.

While I was walking I didn't even know there was two guys following me from the camp.

"Where you going freak?" A blonde boy says making me jump out of my thoughts.

I didn't answer him because why should he care.

"What you can't speak?" A raven hair boy says.

"Grab her" the blonde whispered to his buddy.

Before I could try run I felt arms wrap around my lower body. All I could think was what's going to happen to me. What are they planning on doing? Am I going to get killed from these two.

"Hold her still" the blonde said.

"I am she practically still as dead" the raven haired boy said.

"Alright....sorry for this by the way" the blonde says.

After he said that all I felt was a fist connected to my nose causing it to feel broken.

And then another blow but to my rib cage where I was stabbed.

Then this time he kicked my stomach.

After that he motioned his friend to drop me.

I was now laying on the ground in pain that's when I knew what was going to happen he beat me so I'd be weaker so he could do the unthinkable thing.

He's going to rape me....

Once I looked up at the blonde he looked into my eyes and started to unbuckle his belt.

"Jake go keep watch" he orders the raven haired boy.

"No you don't have to do this you said I just needed to hold her. Why are you doing this" Jake asks hesitantly

"Because she's a freak...she deserves it" he says with an awful smirk on his face.

"Go!" He yells at Jake.

With that Jake walks off. Now I'm left alone with this one....perv.

"Okay sweetheart...let's have some fun" he tells me.

After he said that he started to undo my belt and slowly started to unzip my pants.

Why me?

"Get off me! Someone help me!" I yelled as loud as I can.

"Help!" I continued to yell.


Just like that I got slapped across my face for yelling.

"SHUTUP!" He yells in my face.

"Stop please just stop!" I yelled while he slowly puts his hand in my pants and starts to stick his fingers in me.

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