Act 8

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< rescue team for Jasper>

"Hurry up Murphy" Finn tells him while they're both in the tree untying jasper.

"Be careful" Clarke tells them.

While they're doing that Lilian just looks around cause she feels like they're being watched and out of nowhere they hear a growl coming from a distance.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy says looking around and finally spots his sister who is a few feet from them.

"Grounders?" Bellamy ask.

When it finally comes into the open they see a large black panther and it starts running towards them.

"Bellamy gun!" Clarke yells out while he's trying to grab it he realizes it's not in his waistband.

All of a sudden they hear shots coming from wells who now has Bellamy's gun.

While he was shooting Lilian made her way over to Bellamy and they start spinning in circles cause the panther runs into the bushes near them.

The bushes stop moving in front of the two and they just stand there slowly looking around.

"Ahhh!" Lilian yells as the panther pounces on her taking her to the ground while wells shoots it before it gave her a quick scratch on her shoulder blade.

"Lilian" Bellamy says while pushing the dead panther off of her "are you okay" he asks "yeah I'm fine" she says standing up.

"Now she sees you" Bellamy tells wells while Clarke just looks at him.

"Okay can we just get jasper and get the hell out of here" Lilian says while not wanting to wait till another animal comes.


<back at the drop ship>

Back at camp is Octavia and atom sitting at a fire while holding each other in their arms.

"They're back!" A guy yells "over there" a girl now yells

"Is he.." Monty asks seeing wells and Finn carrying unconscious Jasper "he's alive I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandages" Clarke tells Octavia and Monty while the two guys carry Jasper into the drop ship.

"Who's hungry!" Bellamy yells revealing the dead panther "yeah!" The crowd of kids all yell.

While Clarke and Finn are helping Jasper and Monty and Octavia do what Clarke asked them to do. Lilian just sits away from everyone while just staring blankly at the crowd of kids.

When she spots Murphy she can't help but tears form in her eyes because she wished she could have grown up with him and her parents. To know what it felt like being loved to be with people her whole life but all she got was her cell and her thoughts.

All she thought of was Raven,Kane,and Mr,miller they were the ones who loved to visit her. They were the ones to bring her books. Kane and Mr miller gave her some lessons on how to fight before she was ten. 

Mr,Miller was the one who continued to visit her after Kane stopped. He taught her a few things about earth like what good and what's not good to eat.

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