Act 9

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It is now the next day at the drop ship.while everyone was fixing the walls and starting the fire back up.  

While everyone is doing those things Lilian is just sitting out side the walls looking at the scenery around her.

"What are you doing out here?" Wells asks while walking and sitting down beside Lilian "just getting some space from everyone in there" she said still looking around.

"Where's that beautiful smile of yours?" Wells asks trying to make her smile and it worked because she started smiling not want to look at him

"Oh there it is" he says smiling at her "so what are you doing out here wells" she asks while still smiling at him.

"I was looking for you" he says putting an arm around her shoulder while she leans her head on his shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?" Wells asks sounding nervous.

"Yeah what's up?" She says looking up at him while still leaning on him.

"This is going to be weird but....can I kiss you?" He asks looking scared for what her answer will be. "Yeah you can" she says giving him a soft smile.

When wells kisses her she felt safe and cared for but..she wondered what her brother would think

When he kissed her she kissed him back but once he pulled away they just sat there on the ground in each other's arms while looking at the scenery. 

"If I'm being honest I feel like I have a connection with you I have for no other people" wells says "yeah I do too even though we never met each other before....even when my brother and you are at each others throats" she says

"Yeah, even when you threatened me when me and your brother were fighting I still thought of you" he says laughing which makes her laugh.

"Yeah well We should head back before Clarke and Finn send a search party looking for us" Lilian says while laughing and getting up "yeah you're" he stood in-front of her with his back to her and she just jumps on his back while they walk to the camp.

"So if I were to ask you out right now what would you say?" Wells asks her while they get closer to the camp.

"Can I think about it?" She asks while he looks at her.

"Yeah of course no rush" he says smiling at her and she leans in and gives him a quick kiss.

"Alright here we are" wells says while he lets Lilian slide down to the ground when they entered the camp.

"Alright I'm going to go see Jasper. I'll see you later?" She asks him while giving him a hug

"Yeah I'll see you later" he says hugging her back and then watches her walk away.


Once she gets into the drop ship there's kids looking angry and annoyed at the bottom level.

"Shut that kid up!" A guy yells "hey how about I shove a stick up your ass" Lilian yells at the boy then makes her way up the ladder.

"Hey how's our boy doing?" She asked once she was off the ladder. She made her way to Monty and gave him his daily hug from her.

"Don't listen to them you're going to make it through this, okay? Promise" Clarke tells Jasper while rubbing his head.

"I'm gonna get clean water keep an eye on him?" She tells Monty and Lilian.

"You know he's going to live Monty he's a fighter he's tuff I promise he'll make it through okay" Lilian tells Monty while holding his hand while they sit beside Jasper.

"You know I think Jasper had a crush on you when he first met you" he tells her making her smile "really? Well he likes Octavia and I'm happy for him he deserves someone like her" she said smiling.

"So who in this camp got your eyes?" He asks her nudging her shoulder.

"Wells...." She says trying not to smile so big.

"No way I mean hey if he makes you have and feel loved then I'm happy for you" he tells her while she leans her head on him "and if he doesn't take care of you I'll kick his ass" he continues

"Aww thank you Monty. But, I don't think you can take him" she says laughing "yeah you're probably right" he says laughing and then they just sit there in a comfortable silence.

"Should I go tell him how I feel?" Lilian asks Monty breaking the silence.

"Yeah if you want to see if it will work go for it" he says smiling at her "okay I'll be right back" she says smiling and then hugging Monty.

"Go get him tiger" he says while she walks out.


While Lilian was walking around she finally found wells.

"Hey wells" she says running towards him.

"Hey Lilian what's up" he says while they hug "yes I will go out with you" she says smiling at him which makes him smile then he picks her up and spins her around making her laugh.

"Really!" He asks her excited "yes really" she said then he breaks the eye contact by kissing her " wow okay" Lilian says smiling.

"We should probably get some rest" she tells him so he takes her hand and leads her to his sleeping area he's been sleeping in since they landed on earth.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he says kissing her forehead as they lay down and she lays her head on his chest "goodnight my luv" she says while they lay in a comfortable silence and fall asleep.


Oh wow what a surprise wells and Lilian are now dating can't wait to see how happy they are together.

How do you think Murphy will react to his sister dating the son of the chancellor?

I guess we'll have to find out
Well on that note onto the next!

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