Act 1

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Lilian Murphy was born 17 years ago along side with her twin brother John Murphy. When she was born she only got to be held by her parents for five minutes and then got taken away. On the other hand her twin brother John got to stay with her parents. All because of one simple law. The law to only have one child per family.

All Lilian's life she has spent it in the sky box is what is known as a prison for the underage criminals that don't get floated till they are 18.

Lilian doesn't even know when her birthday is she lost track of it once she turned 10 years old in the skybox.

Her daily routine was to wake up start exercising for hours of the day because she had nothing else to do then just laying in her cell for hours of each day. 

Yeah she had a few books in her cell with her but she had read them to many times since there's only five books. 

But then one random day her life has changed. 


Lilian was just lying in her bed since she had nothing else to do since she already exercised and ate the food they give to the prisoners.

Out of the blue she hears the door click which means someone's coming in.

"Prisoner 127, against the wall with your right hand in the air" one of the tall guards say to her "what's happening?" She ask while doing what she is told.

"Am I already 18?" She asked frantically. "Just shut up and start walking" the other guard said while the other guard led her out. 

When she and the guards walk out of her cell she realizes that all the prisoners who are under the age of 18 are all getting taken somewhere. When she looks to her right she calms down a-bit when she sees a recognizable face but she is still shaken up.

"Lilian don't fight it just do what they say" a young man yells from behind her that stayed in the cell next to her.

"I'm scared Finn" she tells the young man behind her whose name is Finn "I know I'll come find you when this is over okay I'll find you" he tells her not knowing what's going to happen.

A few minutes later of walking they are lead to a drop ship.  When she gets sat down and buckled up she sees a lot of kids getting seated down to.  When she looks around she sees that there's a young girl beside her with long black hair. 

The young girl beside her looking more shaken up than her. Lilian doesn't think so she just grabs the young girls hand and they make eye contact giving each other a reassuring smile.

"I'm Octavia"  the dark haired girl says smiling at Lilian "I'm Lilian" she says in return with a smile. It felt nice to know someone other than finn it's also nice because Finn's  a guy and Octavia is a girl she has a feeling her and Octavia will get along quite nicely.

"So....what did you get arrested for?" Octavia asks "for being born.....I have a twin brother.. his name is John and that's all I know" Lilian says with a little smile cause she finally can talk to someone other than Finn.

"What about you?" Lilian says while they are still holding hands "for being born... I hid under the floor for 16 years and they finally found me but I also have a brother his name is Bellamy he's older" she says smiling cause they have something in common that no one else does.

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