Act 17

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<Lilians pov>

It is now the middle of the night.

After a while of walking in the woods i suddenly come to a stop seeing a bright red thing come flying from the sky.

"A drop ship" i whisper to myself.

After I seen it I started walking to where I think it landed on my way there I see a figure a head of me.

Bellamy Blake was alone and walking to it.

So I started to pick up my pace to wards him and once I got closer to him.

He peeks into the drop ship and grabs the radio out of it.

"I'll take it you don't want them to know we're alive" I say making him jump and turn around.

"Lilian" he says looking at me surprised.

"What you didn't think I'd survive one night out here?" I ask.

"No I'm just happy to see you..I'm really sorry for what I did" he tells me walking closer to me causing me to back up.

"Whatever because I don't care but you should hurry every person or thing over 100 miles had seen this thing crash so you better hurry and leave." I look at him with no feelings in me anymore.

" she okay..Jasper..Monty too?" I ask him.

"Yeah she's dealing with it good but every time someone says your name she walks away" he tells me.

"Well tell her I'm okay and I'm always near" I tell him not looking into his eyes.

"What about jasper and Monty" I ask

"They're dealing with it by being busy. Jasper on the other hand won't hesitate to punch who ever says your name" he tells me

"Well tell them the same thing I'm always near and I'm okay" I tell him turning around and walking away.

"Please...please come back" he tells me with tears in his eyes. "It's not that simple Bellamy I can't come back to somewhere where they don't even like my brother. Somewhere that reminds me of him" I tell him walking away now not looking back.

"I love you...." He says which causes me to turn to him.

"No you don't.. because if you did you wouldn't have done what you did..goodbye Bellamy" I tell him and just walked away leaving him there.


After an hour of walking or so I realize I'm not alone.

"If you're going to be sneaking up on someone maybe don't walk so loud" I tell the person.

"Wow Lilian your getting better at keeping your surroundings safe" he tells me

"Lincoln" I say running to him and hugging him.

"I'm sorry I seen what happened at the camp with your brother I would have helped but you know I'm a grounder it wouldn't turn out so good for me" he tells me while letting go of me.

"Yeah it's fine I left them....i left the people who I thought were my friends but hey I still got you" I say to him causing him to smile.

"So where do you plan on going? I mean it's in the middle of the night" he asks me with his arm around my shoulder.

"I was thinking of going for a walk and then heading back to the others just to watch over them" I tell him.

"Okay well I gotta go but be careful sister" he says smiling at me.

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