Act 6

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A few hours later after the group got back and found out about the wristbands.

Clarke is now in the drop ship looking for whatever she can find to use to help save jasper.

"There you are" someone says to Clarke while they climb up the latter.

"When my father said they didn't leave us anything he really meant it" wells tells Clarke while he walks around.

"It's just a scratch" wells says after Clarke looks at the cut Murphy left on his arm.

"You're making friends fast...keep it covered it could get infected.,.nice pack" she tells wells "yeah seat belts and insulation I also packed part of the parachute figured we could use it to carry out jasper" wells says while showing Clarke his home made bag.

"Good. Give it to someone else you're not coming" she says heading to the latter "my ankle is fine" well says arguing after her.

"It's not your ankle wells it's you. You ready to go Clarke?" Lilian says while she opens the hatch to the second level and she looks up to Clarke with a small smile which Clarke returns.

"You came back for reinforcements I'm gonna help" wells says while following the two girls down the ladder .

"Clarke he's right, we need him" Monty tells her.

"So far no one else has volunteered" Monty says now walking to the group.

"I'm sorry Monty, but your not going either" Clarke tells him "like hell I'm not jasper is my best friend" Monty tries to argue with Clarke "your too important, you were raised on farm station and rectitude be engineering" she tells him

"So?" Monty says looking her dead in the eye.

"So? Food and communication what's up here is gonna save us all" she says point to his head "you figure out how to talk to the ark and we'll bring Jasper back" she tells him

"Hey you ready?" Lilian says while turning to Finn.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither should any of you" Finn tells the group in the drop ship while holding Lilian's hand.

"That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet" Finn tells them all.

"So what we let Jasper die?" Monty asks looking at the ground.

"That's not gonna happen" Lilian says while grabbing Monty's hand while moving away from Finn.

"Spacewalker? What a joke. You think you're such an adventurer. You're really just a coward." Clarke says to Finn while he just stares at her.

"It's not an adventure Clarke it's a suicide mission" he tells here than she just walks away.

"I'm sorry Finn but I gotta help Jasper" Lilian says while hugging him "I know spider just be careful...I love you" he tells her hugging her back "I love you too I'll see you soon" she says while walking away with wells following after her but he stops at Finn.

"Build a wall, use the fallen trees I'll watch out for her" wells says walking away "Jasper looked up to you" Monty tells Finn before heading up to the second level.

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