Act 11

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Once Lilian made it to Bellamy and the group that was going hunting outside the walls. she felt like someone was watching them.

"Hey Bellamy I'm actually going to stay here and catch up with Murphy" Lilian tells him even though she's not really going to go back to camp.

"What can't stay away from your boyfriend wells for that long" he says looking a-bit mad at the thought of them dating.

"No I just- you know I actually don't have to explain myself to you but whatever" she says walking away acting like she's going to camp.

After an hour of walking she senses that someone is following her still and watching her too.


"You can come on out now I'm alone" she yells to the person behind a tree she's looking at.

Finally a tall man came walking out from behind it with hands up a little to show he is not a threat.

"Well hello there" she says waving at the guy "h-hello" he says hesitantly.

"You wanna sit?" She says while she sits on the ground. 

"So how long have you been watching me?" She asked the guy as he sat down beside her "for two days I'm sorry" he says while trying not to look at her.

"I'm Lilian" she tells him with her arm out and he just looked confused.

"You shake my hand and tell me your name" she tells him with a small smile "I'm Lincoln" he says while slowly grabbing and shaking her hand.

"Well Lincoln what's the problem why you watching me?" She asks "I have to protect you" he tells her.

"Why..I mean I have a brother who is already doing that" she says

"You're a natblida it's my duty to protect you from anyone who tries to harm you" he says looking at her.

"Natiblida?" She asks.

"Here let me see your hand I promise I'm not going to hurt you" he says while grabbing a small knife from his belt and poking her finger with it making it draw black blood.

" blood that's very special to our people if they ever find out that you have black blood they'll come and take you from your people and they will train you to fight to death with other natblidas" he says whipping the blood off her finger.

"So no one can find out like your people?" She asks "yeah because our commander is a natblida the natblidas are very rare in our people so they make them train for their whole lives and then they fight in a conclave after the commander dies...they fight to be the new commander" he tells her wanting her to know more.

"Can you teach me?" She asks and he looks at her confused "can you teach me how to fight and how to speak your language just incase I run into one of your people?" She  asks just so she can stand up to who ever.

"Yeah I can here stand up let's start now" he says while helping her up and then taking off his weapons.

"Okay it might take awhile for you to get the hang of it" he tells her and then they start.

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