Hidden Agenda

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Felix looked at the door in shock. "What was that about?"

"Better question is, what was THAT about? Your first boyfriend contacts you again and you don't think to mention it to me?!" Jisung puffed. Minho gently rubbed Jisung's back.

"Sung! You know how that relationship went. It was my first breakup and the guy left me in dark place. I don't want to talk to him, plus he's in Australia." Felix defended back. He had told Jisung the story of his first "love", AKA the guy who broke him down so far that he stopped eating in the first place.

"You still should have told me. You said it yourself, you have been struggling since you started the competition, I don't want this triggering things..." Jisung's tone shifted to one of more concern.

"Hannie.. I'm sorry, I should have told you. But don't worry, he may have started it, but it stopped being about him years ago." Felix reinforced. Jisung gave him a small smile.

"Have you told Hyunjin about this..?" Minho spoke up, Felix looked at him with surprise.

"No.. why would I-" Felix started

"Because if you guys are gonna be together, he should know." Minho interrupted, Felix's eyes went wide.

"W-what do y-"

"Oh please, I'm not stupid Lix" Minho interrupted again. Felix glared at Jisung.

"Sung didn't tell me anything. He didn't have to. I-" Minho had to stop himself from speaking, not wanting to out Hyunjin. 'It needs to come from him.' Felix groaned again.

"What is there to say? It doesn't affect my life now. He doesn't need to worry about it, I can handle it. Not like he's my boyfriend or anything" Felix pouted.

"Yet" Minho mumbled. Jisung smacked Minho's butt causing him to yelp.

Felix looked up questioningly, having missed the events and Minho's remark.

"Don't worry Lix, whatever he's feeling, he obviously cares for you. He will want to help and would probably want to know. Just promise you will talk to him if it escalates?" Jisung comforted. Felix smiled softly and nodded. 'They're right, I should give him the credit he's due.'

~at the other dorms~

Hyunjin walked into the apartment without sparing a glance to the other members hanging around.

"Well goodmorning! How was your sle-" Changbin started saying but was cut off by Hyunjin going into his room and slamming the door.

Changbin looked at Chan who was working on his laptop at the table and raised his eyebrows in shock. "I'm guessing this morning didn't go well..?"

Chan sighed deeply and closed his laptop, heading to Hyunjin's room. He knocked on the door softly and opened it. Hyunjin was laying on his bed scrolling through his phone.

"What happened...? Did he..?" Chan questioned while making his way over to the bed.

Hyunjin dropped his phone next to him on the bed. "I didn't tell him anything, and doubt it would do much at this point." He sat up and leaned his head against the headboard.

Chan tilted his head in a questioning manner and waited for Hyunjin to continue.

"The guy he thought he loved reached out after seeing the survival show and is trying to get back in touch with him." Hyunjin stated, a heavy frown on his face.

"Oh... what did Felix say about it..?"

"I don't know.. I couldn't bare to listen if he was going to gush about it. I knew I didn't have a chance with him..." Hyunjin sounded defeated, and he felt defeated.

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