Moving In

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After 2 weeks away from the members it was time to move into the dorms. Because Felix was not able to go to visit his family in Australia, he stayed with Chan for the 2 weeks since he was not able to stay in his previous dorm room that he used as a contenstant.

The 2 weeks had flown by, Felix helped Chan pack up his apartment, work on some music, and spent countless hours working with Chan and Jisung on his Korean. Seungmin also stopped by a couple of times to help, given that he knew a good amount of english as well.

Hyunjin had gone back home to his family. He was excited to start his new life as an official Idol, however, he had to go home to spend some quality time with his beloved dog.

All of the members of the group kept in touch over their 2 week seperation and lots of pictures were shared, especially of the pets of the family. Chan was not able to visit his dog since she was in Australia but he always made sure to forward her pictures in the group chat along with Kkhami, Hyunjin's fur baby, and Minho's 3 cats. Some adventures were also shared and Felix was able to become more and more involved in discussions as his lessons progressed.

*at the new dorms*

The 8 members shared 2 seperate apartments, or dorms, that were located across the hall from eachother. Dorm A consisted of Chan, Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin. Dorm B consisted of Minho, Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin. They ended up switching Han and Minho around since they figured it may not be the best idea to have the 4 youngest in a dorm by themselves without a "guardian".

Turns out it was a smart decision for them to split the members up this way, the "maknaes" of the group could not keep themselves out of trouble as it was, let alone with Jisung in the mix. Hyunjin internally groaned at the knowledge that he would be stuck sharing a space with the loudest early bird he had ever met, often being woken up by Jisung's very loud shenanigans first thing in the morning.

To say move-in day was chaos would be an understatement. 8 people simultaneously trying to move into 2 dorms across the hall from eachother caused some friction, mainly between Minho and Hyunjin. Although the 2 were friends, they were not the most patient with eachother.

Hyunjin barged into Felix's room, who thankfully had already become a pro at packing his things and came with the minimal to begin with. Felix was unpacking his suitcase with clothes first, quickly filling up the closet with the items.

"Geez you scared the crap out of me! Can I help you?!" Felix clutched his chest as the pile of clothes that he was trying to get on the top shelf of the closet tumbled down. Felix groaned.

Hyunjin laughed and walked over to Felix bending down to grab the now pile of clothes and place them on the bed.

"Sorry.. I'm hiding out. Minho is mad at me and I need to wait to move in the rest of my stuff until he is done, so I thought what better way to spend it than with you!" Felix smiled at the enthusiastic expression. Hyunjin started to grab some if the clothes from the pile and fold them, placing them in the top shelf with ease.

"You are lucky your tall self comes in handy. Ok! You can make it up to me by helping me put up stuff around the room." Felix gave Hyunjin a bright smile and the 2 started getting to work, Felix folding the clothes and Hyunjin storing them in the closet.

Felix walked over to his phone and started to play some music. He had been listening to more Kpop songs, one because he was an idol now, and 2 because the lyrics helped with his Korean. Felix started to sing along, surprising Hyunjin.

"You're Korean is so much better already! And I didn't know your voice had that duality, they usually just give you deep singing parts." Hyunjin continued to smile at Felix adoringly.

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