Exploring Part 1

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Once the group was released from the hotel, under the condition that their phones were on and they returned back to the hotel by 5 for dinner, everyone went their seperate ways.

"We are going to head back to the room to get our cameras, meet back here in 10?" Felix didn't wait for a response from Jisung and Minho before grabbing Hyunjin's hand and dragging him back to the hotel room.

"They are... something?" Minho chuckled, turning to Jisung who gave him a knowing look.

"Whoah there.. slow down" Hyunjin laughed. Felix slowed down some and tried to let go of Hyunjin's hand, but the older tightened his grip.

"Sorry... just excited I guess" He said shyly, looking down at their still interlocked hands. They made it to the room and Felix finally let go of Hyunjin's hand to unlock the door.

They both stormed in grabbing their respective cameras and an extra battery just in case. Felix stepped into the bathroom to fix his hair.

"Stop worrying, you look great like always, now let's go!" Hyunjin casually said, grabbing Felix's wrist and dragging him out the door and down the hall to meet Jising and Minho.


Jisung was trying to use his camera to fix the hair strands that kept falling on his face, tickling him and causing him to scrunch his face.

"But you look so cute while doing that!!" Minho was trying to stop Jisung. The younger gave him a pout and Minho gave in, deciding to help.

"Fine" He pushed his eyes to the back of his head and took the phone from the younger, pausing his hand on top of Jisung's. It was so warm. He leaned into Jisung's face and wet his fingers gently before pushing the hair back and styling it in place with a pin.

"Perfect, although I am going to miss that scrunchy face" Minho was still close to Jisung's face. To tease the older Jisung scrunched his face like before causing Minho to coo right in front of him.

"Are we interrupting..?" Felix cleared his throat and smirked at Jisung who went red in the face, Minho just sassily responded "Haha no".

"Sure.... shall we?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows and reached his arm out to lock it with Jisung before skipping out of the hotel and towards the town.

"You are so whipped dude" Hyunjin snickered at Minho, nudging him in the side.

"Honestly dude, maybe just a little" Minho frankly responded, taking Hyunjin completely by surprise. He was sure that the older was going to deny it.

"Wow... Good for you man!" He poked Minho playfully in the arm and smiled at him. He forgot how honest the older could be.

"Why don't you make your move then?" Hyunjin added.

"It's a little complicated considering we are in this career called being an idol, being in the same group, and honestly, even if none of those things were a factor, I like teasing him too much" Minho smirked, admiring the sight of the puffy cheeks and bright smile trying to push Felix to lose his balance.

"Right... I mean honestly, I would totally help you hide it if you did want to go for it. I like seeing your softer side, although I am jealous I only get the mean one" Hyunjin pouted playfully and teasingly.

"Aww Hyunjin if you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask!" Minho playfully puckered his lips and moved his face closer to Hyunjins.

"Ew!" Hyunjin gave him a disgusted side eye and Minho laughed.

"Thanks though, same goes for you and a freckled Australian." Hyunjin's eyes widened, Minho laughed.


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