About Last Night

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Felix woke up in his room the next morning. He was still wearing his clothes from the night before.

'Huh? How did I get here?'

Felix groggily rubbed his eyes before grabbing his towel and making his way to the bathroom, he felt gross since he was still wearing his clothes from the previous day.

After his shower Felix happily made his way to the kitchen to satisfy the sounds his stomach were making, he was faced with Seungmin at the table and Minho in the kitchen, making a breakfast for them.

"Oooh it smells so good!" Jeonging exited out of his room as well to join the others.

"Good morning everyone!" Felix said brightly, skipping over to the table to sit next to Seungmin.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Minho replied back without looking over to Felix.

"How did the movie end? I must have missed it. I don't even remember going to bed last night" Felix giggled sheepishly.

"Oh you don't remember?" Minho finally turned around and smirked at Felix. "You fell asleep on Hyunjin and he carried you to your room to sleep." The attention turned on Felix who was red in the face.

'He did? That is so sweet of him..'

"Oh... I'll have to thank him then. What's for breakfast?" Felix changed the topic and Minho and Jeongin just snickered but followed along with their friend's wishes.

"I'm making omelets." Minho stated matter of factly.

Felix hummed and pulled out his phone.

                         HYUNJINNIE <3
Sorry for falling asleep on you. Thank you for putting me to sleep.
I mean bringing me to my room to sleep.

Felix sent the message and focused his attention on the omelet spread out on the table in front of them.


The day started similarly in the next dorm. Changbin had made his way out to the gym earlier so was not in the dorm. For once, Jisung did not wake everyone up with his singing, he stayed up late with Chan and Minho goofing around since they couldn't sleep. Hyunjin for once did not wake up grumpy and decided to take his time getting ready and taking advantage of the lack of competition to take a long shower.

Once he finally left the warm and humid bathroom he went back to his room to pick out an outfit for the day. He decided to go with a baggy pair of blue jeans, a black turtleneck that accentuated his lean build, and a brown long coat over it. Right when he was pulling the 2 front strands out of his half up ponytail he got a notification on his phone.

               SUNSHINE (BOKKIE)

Sorry for falling asleep on you. Thank you for putting me to sleep.
I mean bringing me to my room to sleep.

Hyunjin chuckled to himself at the overthinking that Felix managed to do.

No need to get flustered. It was my pleasure Sunshine, anytime.

I wasn't flustered 😑 just thought that sounded weird.

I mean you did use me as your personal body pillow so technically both are correct 😏

Wowwww remind me to never sit next to you during movie night again 😤

Who said I was complaining?

😬 I'll see you in a bit

Hyunjin smiled at the phone. 'Cute'. He went out to the kitchen to get himself fed. They were all going to meet up at 10 to head to the zoo so he had about an hour to get food ready for himself. Jisung  walked out of his room and left in a hurry to the other dorms.

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