The Last Night

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After embracing the moment for a bit and Hyunjin brushing Felix's tears away, they continued their journey to the restaurant. Felix occasionally took in a deep breath and just inhaled the glorious scent of the ocean air.

The rest of the walk was spent in more peaceful silence. Well, peaceful silence until

"LIXIE!" Jisung ran over and practically tackled Felix to the ground, taking Hyunjin by surprise and causing both him and Chan to fear for Felix's wellbeing.

Thankfully, it seems like Felix had learned by now and was able to stand his ground.

"Sungie!!" Felix excitedly returned once he was sure he could keep his balance. Jisung interlocked his hand with Felix's and dragged him away.

"Damn it," Hyunjin cursed under his breath. He was 99% certain Jisung was about to tell Felix all about his day with Minho.

"Man, you just lost me 50 bucks!" Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Minho, who came up to him chuckling.

"What do you mean?"

"I bet Lix that Jisung would spill the beans on your little outing before the end of the day. He bet that it would be before we even have dinner." Hyunjin sulked.

"How is that my fault?! Sung is a blabbermouth you honestly should have known better." Minho laughed. He looked fondly at the younger 2 that were not so sneakily sending looks at Minho. His heart particularly got fluttered by the younger blushed cheeks.

"So.... I'm guessing your little DATE was successful, huh?" Hyunjin smirked and nudged Minho, who zipped his mouth and pretended to throw away a key. Hyunjin could have whined and pouted, but he had other plans.

*meanwhile a couple feet away*

"An Lixie, he was so thoughtful! He didn't complain once, well verbally. We even ate cheesecake from the same spoon! Ahh, I think I might just die." Felix just coo'd at his best friends adorable excitement and felt like he was in a high school movie.

"Are we talking about the same Minho?" Felix chuckled, Jisung blushed and smiled.

Once the last 2 members showed up, they all went into the restaurant and took their seats. Felix ended up sitting next to Jisung and Hyunjin across the table from them next to Minho.

Felix's phone buzzed, and he took it out to check it.

From the looks of it, I owe you 50 bucks 😅

😈 you do indeed. But hearing Hannie swoon was enough of a reward for me 🥰


Hyunjin was smiling at his phone, and Felix blushed at the last massage. Minho was just smirking. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he happened to glance at the message. Felix and Hyunjin just looked at eachother with sparkles in their eyes.

Minho nudged Hyunjin and leaned close to his ear. "Looks like you're day went well too." He smirked and Hyunjin blushed slightly. Thankfully the conversation was interupted by Chan going to make a toast like it was a wedding.

"I hope you guys enjoyed your trip as much as I did. For tonight, make sure you don't stay up too late. I need everyone to meet in the lobby tomorrow morning at 7 am. The cars will leave for the airport at 7:15 sharp so you better not be late." His eyes glared between Changbin and Jisung since they were the 2 that were most often running behind.

"I also wanted to just thank you guys for being open minded and participating during the activities. I know they were sometimes not the most fun but I do truly feel like we got closer together because of it. I'm proud of you guys and I could not have chosen a better group of people to debut with." Chan started to tear up looking at them all and the group coo'd. Felix and Jeongin got up and sandwiched Chan in a hug, making the other members carry a mixture of disgusted and adoring faces.

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