Point of No Return

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Felix woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. He stretched out and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before groaning.

"Well good morning sunshine. Come eat, we have a long day ahead of us and you need your energy!" Chan yelled from the kitchen.

Not that Felix was not grateful for the support and the care that Chan was giving, but he was much too nervous to think about eating a meal. It also didn't help that his head was killing him due to the amount of Korean that the group tried to force in there late into the night. Half of which the sleep had unfortunately washed away.

"I don't know if I can eat anything, but I'll try. Thank you Chan, this means a lot to me" Felix held his stomach which caused a frown to paint Chan's face.

"Well you are not going to be any better off on an empty stomach and only snacks from last night to burn off so eat up." Chan insisted and pushed the plate toward Felix.

Felix smiled and nodded at him before picking at the eggs with his fork and slowly ingesting it. The breakfast was quiet but not terribly awkward thankfully. Once they both finished their food they got ready for the day and made their way out the door to the studios.


Hyunjin woke up utterly exhausted this morning. The group had a really late night and Hyunjinnwas having a hard time sleeping. He couldn't get his mind to rest. He was worried about the interviews, even though him and Felix were not the closest he was worried that the younger would have to leave the competition. He knew that Felix was not prepared to tackle the interviews with his current Korean. He still needed help with conversating, let alone with people who didn't know to be patient with him.

But their study session the previous day would hopefully allow words and potential questions to sound more familiar to him.

Since he was up early he decided to eat a good meal and make his way to the studios early to prepare. Whatever that may mean, he was truly just eager to get there to calm his nerves and to distract himself with dance and his group.

At the studios:

The various contestants slowly started to trickle in. Hyunjin was already there practicing some moves of the choreo slowly in the mirror. He was so wrapped up in his dancing that he didn't realize Felix and Chan walked in the room.

"Man he is so dedicated" Felix told Chan, his glance more dreamy than it should have been to be shrugged off.

"Got your attention?" He smirked at Felix, nudging him in the side causing Felix to stumble slightly and blush in embarassment.

"N-no.. I mean yes, it is early in the morning and most of us are just zombies but he is here with his hair sticking to his face from the work he is putting in. That's some ethic right there." He tried to explain himself away. Yes Felix had always admired how hard Hyunjin worked and the dedcation that he has for dancing and performing but there was the other factor of Hyunjin looking so good while doing it. He didn't view it as a romantic crush, there was just no denying that Hyunjin was really handsome and charismatic. It was hard not to notice him when he was dancing.

"I see that" Chan shrugged, still not blind to what he was seeing but not willing to argue either. Felix was right and Chan saw it, he just didn't notice it as much.

Felix put his stuff down and took a nice swig of water before running over to Hyunjin and jumping into the routine with him.

Hyunjin got startled by Felix's presence and stumbled slightly causing Felix to giggle.

"Hi!" Felix stated excitedly. His voice was higher making Hyunjin coo on the inside.

"You scared me! Good morning" Hyunjin clutched his chest dramatically and focused his attention back on the choreography. Both gave eachother pointers on their moves. Felix and Hyunjin were both able to forget about the worries of the interviews momentarily.

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