Ch.32 King's Play

Start from the beginning

"So you're hexed," Lyall turned his attention to Meera, his tone light despite the seriousness of the situation. "Ain't that some shit."

"It seems so," Meera nodded, her expression guarded, not betraying her true emotions.

"How long will this thing take to wear off?" Lyall inquired, looking back at Bram and Zeeb for answers.

"That's not really how a hex works," Bram clarified, his gaze shifting from the commander to the prince. "We'll have to identify it first and then undo its magic."

"So start," Lyall pressed. "What's the holdup?"

"It's a long process," Bram explained patiently.

"I bet," Lyall chuckled, turning back toward Meera and Eryx. "In the meantime, the King wants you to start your physical training, Princess."

"No," Eryx objected firmly. "She's not ready. I've spoken to him."

"We can't sit around and wait for the day when she's ready," Lyall countered, rolling his eyes. "Training starts tomorrow."

"Meera won't start training—" Eryx began, but Meera cut him off, reaching out to grasp his hand.

"Eryx," she interjected softly. "It's okay."

"Eryx," Meera whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the tension in the room. She reached out and gently touched his arm, hoping to soothe his rising anger.

"No, it's not," Eryx said firmly, his gaze unwavering as he turned back to Lyall. "I'll decide when she trains."

"She's unmarked," Lyall reminded Eryx sternly, his tone carrying a hint of impatience. "You said you did not want to mark her until she was trained, and the king is being more than gracious enough to honor your demands. But it's high time she started learning her role."

Meera felt the weight of those words pressing down on her, suffocating her with their significance. Her heart raced in her chest, and a sense of impending doom settled over her like a heavy fog.

Don't let him mark you...

"This is ridiculous," Eryx retorted, his frustration evident in his tone.

"No, what's ridiculous is your delay in training her," Lyall countered, his disappointment palpable. "If you're too busy for the task, do let me know. I can have Sven or Dawn assist."

"She's been hexed," Eryx insisted, his voice tinged with anger. "She's in no condition to train."

"The hex does not affect her physical endurance," Zeeb interjected calmly. "I agree with Lyall. Meera should start her training."

"Not yet!" Eryx's voice reverberated through the room, cutting off any further arguments. "Nobody touches my mate without my permission."

"Eryx," Lyall frowned, his voice laced with a warning. "Don't let your father hear you speak like that."

Eryx's normally composed demeanor cracked under the pressure, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. As Lyall's warning hung in the air, Eryx's eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, his jaw tightening with restrained fury. The muscles in his arms tensed as he clenched his fists, his entire frame radiating an aura of barely contained rage.

"I'm taking her to her chambers," Eryx declared his voice a low growl that brooked no argument. "Enough of this. Let's go, M."

Meera's movements were hesitant, her every step weighed down by the burden of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air. As she descended from the stool, the quilt wrapped around her like a protective shield, providing little comfort against the turmoil churning within her.

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