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"Welcome, players and coaches to the 2009 National College Lacrosse Award Ceremony.  Congratulations to Cincinnati on the impressive win in the championship two weeks ago," the president of the NCLL spoke.  There was a round of applause.  "First award of the night is best defensive line.  The nominees are James Madison, Northwestern, and Syracuse," she paused.  A few of the best plays for each team played on the screen behind her.  "And the award goes to... Northwestern!"  There was a loud cheer from their table.  Lana, her two defensive ends, and the goalie went up to receive the award.  Each one of their lacrosse sticks had a green band placed on it to reference their award.  

"Second award is for the best offensive line.  The nominees are Boston, Denver, and Cincinnati," she paused allowing everyone to watch the plays on the big screen.  "The award goes to... Cincinnati!"  We all cheered.  Kayley, the other offensive end, and I went up to accept the award.  We each got a red band on our sticks.  

There was a brief pause in the announcements while everyone mingled a little.  "Kelce!" I heard Lana yell and I turned to face her.  "Congrats on the award."  I laughed a little.  

"Same to you.  Do you know why we stopped?" I asked her.  From what I had heard there aren't supposed to be any breaks in between the announcements.  

"Probably a tie," Lana commented and I gave her a confused look.  "They ask all of the seniors to cast a vote and that only happens when the board can't agree on something.  If there was a tie then, the board would have to decide the winner," Lana concluded.  I took from her worry less tone that she was referring to the Rookie of the year and not the award that she was nominated for.  

"Sorry for the delay, everyone return to their seats please," she waited a moment.  "Next award is Rookie of the year.  The nominees are Kayley Coffman, Jenny Lewis, Dani Peterson, Michelle Patterson, and Violeta Kelce."  Clips were played for each of us.  "This award was the most difficult to decide.  That being said, the award goes to... Kayley Coffman."  When I looked at Kayley she was shocked.  I hugged her.  

"You deserve this, now go get your band," I whispered in her ear.  She smiled and walked up.  They gave her a blue band.

When she came back she hugged me.  "I am so sorry," She apologized.  

"I couldn't have played as well as I did if I didn't have you, you deserve the award," I stated without a single doubt.  I saw the worry in her eyes disappear and her actually start to enjoy her win.  

"Finally, we have player of the year.  The nominees are Lana Hanover, Gabby Gates, Brianna Brown, Olivia Lycan, and Jade Thorpe," She paused for the clips.  "The award goes to... Lana Hanover!"  Her table erupted and I started clapping.  She really deserved this.  "This marks her as the first to win player of the year for two consecutive years and to hold the record for most awards at six wins."  They gave her a purple band and she had the brightest smile on her face.   

After the awards, that were on Friday, there was a lot of partying and congratulating.  It was one of the most electric things I have ever experienced.  I took every second of it in because I knew that it would never be this exciting again.  Lana gave me her number before we parted because she told me she would text me the details of our training camp over the summer.  We were hosting two days of training every weekend of summer.  We arrived on a campus every Monday and left the next Monday.  

We had a crossover with Taylor's tour and I was so excited to see her.  We were both in Philadelphia and she was staying in a hotel but I convinced her to swing by the campus to come see me.  Lana and I were staying in the same dorm suite and we were talking when there was a knock on the door.  I got up and ran to the door.  I opened it and immediately hugged Taylor.

"Hey, Vi, I missed you too," Taylor said.  She came in and I introduced her to Lana.  

"This is Lana, she was my rival but she graduated," I joked.  Lana laughed a little and she was looking at Taylor a little weird before her eyes went wide.  

"Taylor Swift, you are Taylor Swift.  How do the two of you know each other?"  Taylor and I looked at each other and laughed.  

"We meet during the month of the lacrosse training before the year started.  She was filming a music video," I explained and we got into a conversation.  The three of us talked for a while before Taylor's phone rang.  She answered it and her face faded a little.  

"Yeah, I'll come back.  Do we have room for an extra two guests at my concert?"  Taylor asked on the phone.  Lana looked at me with a very 'is she for real look' and I just nodded my head.  "Ok great.  Coming back right now," Taylor ended the phone call and looked at us.  "How would you two feel about attended my concert?" She asked us both.  

"Yes," we both said at the same time and Taylor laughed a little.

"I'll send you the tickets, Vi," she picked up her coat and put it on, "Bye see you at the concert."  We both said bye and Lana looked at me with the most awe-struck look I had ever seen her give.  

"You did not just get me into a Taylor Swift concert," Lana spoke in denial.  I smiled and just nodded before I walked away.  I headed to the on campus gym and for the first time since we arrived there were people in there.  I didn't think much of it.  

I was running on the treadmill for around an hour before Lana strolled in.  She walked over to me and pulled the emergency stop and I took one of my airpods out.  "And you inturrupted my workout because?" I asked her in an extremely sassy tone.  

"You blast your music when you run and become completely unaware of your surroundings and I needed to talk to you," she started and I rolled my eyes.  "We have to go to dinner with the lacrosse coach and I figured you'd want to know that we only have 45 minutes before we have to be there."  

"Okay," I glanced at the screen, "I only have one mile give me like 5 minutes."  I turned the treadmill back on and cranked up the speed.  Lana pulled her phone out and made a very annoyed sigh.  

When I hit the one mile mark, I hoped off the treadmill and turned it off.  I grabbed my water and took a drink when a guy walked over.  

"Who are you two?" the guy asked.  Lana looked at me and she went to speak but did before her.  

"Who's asking?" I asked him and he smiled a little.  

"Captain of the football team," he replied.  Showoff.  

"We are lacrosse players," I stated matter-of-factly.  I gave him the same amount of information that he did.  "And we have places to be so bye."  

"Bye, Firefly," he smirked as he said it.  I walked away and Lana laughed a little before I glared at her.  

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