Dancing in the Rain

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Jason, Kylie, Travis, Zach and I were all sitting on the patio talking with music playing in the background.  When it suddenly started raining, there's a roof over the patio so it didn't really matter.  Zach stood up and offered me a hand, I took it with a confused and he led me out into the rain.  "What are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled.  

He spun me around and I went along with him.  We were dancing in the rain and after like 2 songs he kissed me and held me close.  "I love you," he said.  My heart stopped and I kissed him.  It was slow and conveyed every single emotion that was going through both of our bodies.  We pulled apart when we both needed air.  

"I love you too," I said.  He picked me up and I screamed.  He spun around in a circle.  When he put me back down, he kissed me again.  I heard one of my brothers clear their throat.  We both started laughing but we went back to the patio.  I sat back down next to Kylie.  

"That was adorable," Kylie said and I just smiled.  My phone buzzed and I looked at it.  Travis texted me.  I looked at him confused.  

"I recorded it," he stated and Jason started laughing.  

"Why?" I asked him.  I wasn't complaining but that was a little weird.  

"Because I knew you would want it," Travis explained and I laughed.  I looked at Zach who was blushing just a little.  I think that it just dawned on him that he did that in front of both my brothers.  

"Why don't you do anything romantic like that?" Kylie asked Jason and I laughed.  

"I am not romantic, you know that," Jason stated.  

"Jason," Travis and I both said in a disappointed tone.  I sent the video that Travis took to the group chat with Lana, Taylor, and Kayley with the caption My brother recorded this.  I also sent it to Zach, he should get a copy of it too.  My parents both decided to stay in a hotel so the rest of us stayed at Jason's.  

The next morning, when I woke up, I walked out into the kitchen to find Jason and Kylie making breakfast.  "Good morning," I said which caused them both to look at me.  

"Morning, Vi," Kylie said to me.  

"Good morning, Firefly.  What on earth are you doing awake?" he asked me and I rolled my eyes.  

"Rude.  I don't know, I just woke up," I said as I sat down at the island.  "I take it that your making breakfast?" I asked.  

"Yes we are.  Apparently you Kelce's don't cook," Kylie responded.  

"Not true.  Travis can but he probably isn't awake," I rebutted.  Kylie and Zach laughed.  "Also you could end up and you know who to cook," I directed at Kylie and she went quiet real fast.  

"Not the point, Vi," Kylie stated after she regained her composure.  I laughed a little.  

"I would like to point out that Jason has not said anything I was simply proving a point," I clarified and Kylie let out a sigh.  I couldn't tell whether it was relief or frustration. 

"See, this is why you shouldn't wake up this early," Zach mumbled.  

"And what exactly does that mean?" I asked him and he turned around.  

"Violeta you say the most unfounded things in the morning and you can not try to deny it," Zach said and I rolled my eyes.  

"Whatever," I said.  "Whatcha you guys making?" I asked them.  

"Pancakes and they are done so," Kylie said.  I got up and smirked.  

"I'll go wake up my brothers," I said and I left immediately.  I went into the room Travis was in and I threw a pillow at his head.  "WAKE UP," I half-yelled at him.  

"Seriously?" he asked me as he sat up.  

"Kylie and Zach made breakfast, get up," I said as I walked out and went to Jason's room.  I picked up and I pillow and was about to throw it when I was interrupted.  

"If you throw a pillow at me, I will tackle you," Jason said.  I moved so that I could see his eyes and they weren't even open.  

"Breakfast is ready and you ruin my fun," I said as I walked out.  When I got to the kitchen, Travis had already joined them in the kitchen.  When Jason finally came down, half of us were done eating.  

Zach and I spent the rest of the off-season in New York and he flew back for training.  I got super busy at the studio.  I wanted to get as much done as possible so I could attend games every weekend and also so that I could visit Zach.  Long-distance was hard but we were going to make it work as best we could.  

Zach had been dropping hints that he wanted me to move in with him.  But, I didn't know if I would be able to completely move away from my studio.  Technically speaking, I could move all of my equipment to Kansas City.  Most of my clients had to fly to meet me anyways so what difference did it make if it was to Kansas City.  My main problem with moving was that I would be moving away from all of my friends.  I was pulled out of my thoughts by Kayley.  

"So, how's your boyfriend?" Kayley asked me.  

"Normal," I stated in a confused tone.  

"Then what are you all in your head about?" Kayley asked me.  

"Moving," I stated.  I was worried that Kayley would flip because we have lived together since freshman year.  

"I assume you mean to Kansas City," Kayley inquired and I nodded.  "You should do it.  I hate to say it but I think that he is perfect for you and you deserve to put you happiness above your career at least once in you life," Kayley stated.  

I think she is right but I can't decide.  

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