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When Travis and I were in our senior year, Jason came home for Christmas.  The three of us all went to the gym everyday so it got pretty competitive. 

Travis and Jason were both stronger than me but I had far more endurance so it always balanced out.  After one workout, Jason treated us to New Heights Grill, one of our favorite restaurants.  "So, where do the two of you think you're going to college?" Jason asked us both. 

"Cincinnati," Travis and I said at the same time.  We all started laughing. 

"Are you guys both sure that you actually want to go there and you're not just going because it's where I am?" Jason asked. 

"Jason, I am going to play ball it doesn't matter where I go," Travis assured him.  But Jason was looking at me, like he knew that he was the reason I was going there. 

"No offense big bro but I don't base my decisions off of where you are," I joked.  Jason smiled but I knew that he wasn't buying it.  We started talking about something random and I forgot all about it. 

Later that night, someone knocked on my door.  "Come in!" I said as I placed my book on my nightstand.  Jason walked in with a somber look on his face.

"Hey Vi, we need to talk," he stated as he closed the door behind him.

"What's up?" I asked.  The smile that was on my face faded. 

"The University of Cincinnati isn't where you want to go," Jason started.  I opened my mouth to start talking but he spoke faster, "Vi, just listen to me please.  You want to keep us all together and you want to ply it safe.  You could go anywhere because we both know that you are a great player, better than you act.  You could get recruited to the best women's lacrosse team in college so why are you settling?" 

"Jason, you and Travis are my world.  I wouldn't survive being away from you both and the second that Travis decided to go to Cincinnati, he made my choice too," I responded. 

"Vi, you don't need to protect him anymore.  We aren't kids, Travis and I can handle ourselves," Jason responded in a whisper.  He knew me so well.  I never considered myself when making decisions just how it affects them. 

"And what if I need you?" I asked him with tears brimming at my eyes.  "It doesn't matter what you say, J.  I am going to Cincinnati and I have a full ride," I blurted.  He hugged me and smiled.

"Good night, Vi," he stated before he walked over to the door.  When he opened it Travis was standing on the other side. 

Travis POV

Jason and Violeta barely ever spoke in their own rooms.  They didn't seek each other out so when I saw Jason walking into Violeta's room I knew something was up.  After he closed the door I considered eavesdropping but decided against it.

It felt like Jason had been in there forever when I heard Violeta say, "And what if I need you?"  I felt perfectly justified in walking over to the door and heard the end of her sentence.  She got a full ride to Cincinnati and she didn't tell me.  Something was definitely up.

Before I had a chance to walk away, Jason opened the door and was standing face to face with me.  He closed the door before I saw Violeta and I went to open the door but Jason stopped me.  "Travis, let her be," Jason spoke firmly. 

"But, what were" I started but Jason glared at me and it sent a shiver down my spine.  Jason protected Violeta always, but he had never defended her from me.  It felt like I was being iced out of something.  I turned and walked back into my room and watched as Jason did the same. 

Violeta POV

The next morning, I came downstairs to eat breakfast.  Mom was making eggs and pancakes, I usually only ever ate the eggs.  I could feel the weight of Travis's eyes following my every move the entire morning. 

Eventually, it was around the time that we would go to the gym.  "Vi, you ready?" Jason asked.  I walked out of my room in full athletic wear and my hair french braided. 

"I'm just going for a run, you guys can leave," I explained and I saw the change in Travis's face.  He knew that something was wrong and Jason just pushed him away from me until they were out the door. 

I put in my AirPods and turned my music up to full volume and ran as fast and as far as I could.  When I finally stopped, I was five miles away from my house and I just kept going.  I walked for another 3 miles before my legs finally gave out.  I was sitting on the sidewalk for almost 20 minutes when my phone started buzzing.  I ignored it.  At some point my body was on autopilot and I ended up the playground that the three of us used to go to all the time when we were kids. 

It was a safe haven, I never realized how much this place meant to me.  I hadn't ever come back here on my own but it made me think about the three of us before sports.  When none of us were old enough to play but we always made up games and competitions.  I walked over to the pavilion and ran my hand over the inscription.  Weather the storm together -Kelce.  My phone buzzed again and I took it out.  I smiled when I saw Travis's name.  I picked it up. 

VIOLETA where have you been?  Why weren't you answering you phone?  What is going on?

"Trav, slow down.  Maybe one question at a time"

Where are you?

"The playground"

The playground?  He laughed.  I'm coming to get you. 

He hung up and I just sat down and looked at my phone while I waited. 

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