Break In

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Everything was going back to the normal chaos that goes on.  "We need a babysitter that won't talk to the press and that we trust with our children," Zach pointed out.  We had to go to Philly for Jason's retirement speech and neither of us wanted to leave them.  

"I know but," I noticed that our head of security had walked into the room and I stopped talking.  

"Sorry to interrupt, I just needed to tell you that we are cleared to go whenever," the guard said and he turned around to walk away.  He paused, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, I can leave the kids with some of the security while in Philly.  I know that it probably isn't ideal but none of them would let anything happen to your children."  That actually wasn't the worst idea and I turned to Zach.  

"That would be great, thank you," Zach told him and we headed out.  Jason was announcing his retirement in a press conference.  I was sitting in the front row next to Kylie.  Zach was sitting with Travis and we were all listening to Jason's speech.  I think that everyone in the room was left in tears after his heartfelt speech.  I knew how hard it was to stop playing any sport but I was glad that he was getting out before he seriously injured himself.  

Jason came down and kissed Kylie.  Then he hugged me before turning to find Travis and our parents.  After a bunch of hugs and reminiscing, Jason and I were talking.  "He is the last Kelce standing," Jason said.  He was looking at Travis.  

"First of all, we are not dead.  Second of all, he will be fine.  I don't think that Zach is retiring so they will have each other.  Jason it gets easier and you have your daughters to spend time with," I comforted him.  He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes.  Kylie, Zach, and Travis all walked over to us.  We all left and Zach and I went to get the twins before we headed to Jason's house.  

"So what are you going to do now?" Zach asked Jason.  

"I have no idea.  I am looking forward to trying new stuff," Jason admitted.  The kids were all with our parents.  

"What about you, Zach?  You on your way to retirement?" Kylie asked.  

"I think I still have a few years in me but I definitely considered it, especially with the twins," Zach said and I didn't know that.  

"I didn't know that," I said and Zach laughed.  My phone started riniging which got Zach out of that conversation.  Usually I wouldn't answer but it was Taylor.  "Hey, everything okay?" I asked picking up the phone.  

What I can't just call my best friend?" Taylor asked me and I laughed.  "I just called to see how everything went with Jason's retirement.  I really wish I could've been there."  

"Everything went perfectly and don't worry he definitely gets it, you are a busy person," I reassured her and I could hear her smile as she kept talking.  

"Thanks, I will text him.  Tell those precious kids that I said hi, bye Vi," Taylor said.  

"I will, bye," I said as I hung up the phone and was faced with a bunch of confused looks.  "What?" I asked them all.  

"They don't know who you were talking to," Zach informed me and I looked at him.  

"But you do?" I asked and he smiled.  

"There is only one person who you talk to like that: Taylor," Zach said and I rolled my eyes.  

"Why didn't she call me?" Travis asked.  Jason and I started laughing at him.  We started chatting about random stuff and ate dinner.  After dinner, Zach and I took the twins back to the hotel.  We flew back to Kansas City in the morning.  

That night, one of the security alarms went off and it woke us up.  "That has never gone off before," I said looking at Zach.  He got out of bed and grabbed his phone.  

"No it hasn't.  I will go figure out what's going on," Zach said as he walked out of the room.  I got up and went into the twins room and closed the door behind me.  I had a bad feeling about all of this.  I had my phone with me and I was texting the security but getting no answer.  I didn't understand how someone would actually get through the all the security.  We lived in a gated community and had extra security, this place was practically impenetrable.  

I heard footsteps outside the door and I moved out of the eye line of the door.  The person started turning the door knob extremely slowly.  Something was defiantly wrong.  The door closed behind the person but I couldn't tell who it was.  "Hello babies," I heard Veronica's voice.   She seriously did not know how to give up.  She turned around and saw me.  

"How did you get through?" I asked her and she started walking toward me.  

"This," she said holding something up in her hand.  It looked like a taser and electricity cracked from it.  Definitely a taser.  She lunged forward and I moved out of the way and pushed her into the wall.  When she hit the wall she fell and dropped the taser.  I quickly picked it up.  

"You know, I did karate when I was younger so that wasn't exactly smart of you," I told her and she stood up.  When she tried to walk forward, I noticed that she was a little off balance.

"You just love to brag don't you," she mocked me and I rolled my eyes.  She lunged forward again and I swiped her feet out from under her and she hit her head on the ground, she was unconscious.  

"ZACH," I yelled and he came running into the room but stopped cold when he saw Veronica on the floor.  

"What happened?" Zach asked as he walked over to me and hugged me.  

"She underestimated me," I said and Zach laughed but he looked a little scared.  He hugged me again and then he called the security and the police.  Veronica was arrested and the police assured us that she wouldn't be a problem again.  

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