Catching Kelce

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Hey Vi!  I am filming a dating show  I got that text and I almost dropped my phone.  I immediately called Travis because he is absolutely insane.  The second he answered I started talking.  

What exactly does that mean and have you already agreed to this?  What are you doing? Why?

STOP TALKING.  Okay good, I already agreed there are no take backs.  I just thought that you would want to know because its called Catching Kelce


I know.  

I am coming.  I hung up the phone before he even had a chance to say anything.  

Travis POV

"Well, this will be fun," I said walking out of the locker room.  I was in arrowhead for practice and I had a break.  I was hoping that Vi would read it after I was back practicing so she had a chance to cool off.  That backfired.  

"What will be?" Zach asked me.  I jumped when I heard him, I didn't even notice he was there.  

"I just told my sister about the dating show and she apparently is on her way here," I explained to him.  He started laughing.  "So helpful, thank you," I said annoyed at him.  "I haven't seen her since she was in the hospital and the only reason she is coming is to yell at me," I complained.  

"It's really been that long?" Zach asked in disbelief.  "She's your sister," he added.  

"Almost three years," I paused.  "She is ambitious so if she has no reason to come than she won't come," I explained and I saw his expression fall.  We walked back onto the field and went back to practicing we still had four hours of practice.  

Violeta POV

I landed and I knew Travis was still at Arrowhead for practice but I was so mad that I went there.  I wasn't really thinking that far ahead.  When I walked into the stadium a clerk looked at me and paused.  "What do you need?" he asked me and I smiled.  

"Hi.  I am here to tear my brother apart so if you could please let me though that would be fantastic," I explained to the clerk and he laughed.  

"Okay," he picked a radio.  "Coach," he spoke.  

"Yeah," Coach Reid responded.  

"Violeta Kelce is here and would like to speak with her brother," the clerk said while slightly laughing.  

"Let her through," Coach Reid agreed and I smiled.  I walked through and decided that I would just watch but I did walk along the sidelines to Coach Reid.  

"It's been a minute," I said and he smiled.  

"It definitely has, you still follow the Kelce way?" he asked me.  

"Always," I laughed a little.  I watched the plays that they were running, Travis was on the field.  When practice was over they all came to get water.  Travis very slowly walked up to me and he looked absolutely terrified.  I was about to start tearing him apart when I saw.  "Zach?" I questioned.  I paused when I realized that I said it out loud.  

"Wait, you know Zach?" Travis asked me.  My eyes went wide.  

"No.  I don't know who that is, lucky guess.  I'll be at your house," I said really fast and went to walk away but he grabbed my arm and turned me back around.  

He didn't let go of my arm.  "Zach," he called out.  I could feel the weight of his eyes on my body but I didn't look at him.  I knew he was walking over here though, he would never miss up this opportunity.  

"Yes, Travis?" Zach questioned and I still refused to look at him.  Travis finally let go of my arm and there was no point in running Zach had already seen me.  

"Do you know my sister?" Travis asked him glancing between the two of us.  Zach laughed.  

"Travis, this really isn't any of your business," I stated faster than Zach could say anything.  I was hoping that Zach would get the hint and not say anything stupid.  

"But, you were willing to hold off yelling at me to avoid him.  It may not be my business but it definitely has peaked my curiosity," Travis spoke.  He was trying to get a rise out of Zach, who I still hadn't looked at.  

"You were going to avoid me?" Zach asked and I felt my muscles tighten.  

"I live in New York and," I looked at him and noticed his number.  "71," I noted turning my head a little.  

"Funny story," Zach started and I glared at him and he stopped speaking.  

"You stole my number," I stated and Travis laughed a little.  

"I was given options and I chose 71 so what?" Zach asked in an annoyingly confident way.  He was being smart because he knew that I didn't want Travis to know.  

"You could have picked anything," I said and he smirked.  

"Sorry, Firefly," he stated and I was about to punch him.  

"WHAT?" Travis practically screamed at the nickname.  He looked between the two of us.  "Details.  Now," Travis commanded.  I rolled my eyes.  

"Travis, we have bigger problems.  Go shower and then we'll talk," I paused and looked at Zach.  "Alone," I stated before walking away.  I knew that Zach wouldn't risk saying anything to Travis so I just waited for Travis to come back out of their locker room.  

"Okay, what's the story with you and Zach?" Travis asked.  "Better question, how did Zach never mention that he knows you?" he asked and Zach appeared behind him.  

"She didn't tell, I don't tell you," Zach stated as he walked past us.  I rolled my eyes.  He just had  throw me under the bus like that.  

"He is completely obsessed with me," I stated hoping that Travis would drop it.  

"You don't seem to mind," Travis stated.  

Travis POV

For the first time in my life, I saw my sister blush.  She was very easily angered but she doesn't really do relationships.  She always said that it would be a distraction so I guess it makes sense that I have never heard about whatever happened between her and Zach.  

"Fine.  Zach and I met a few years ago in Philadelphia and we went on a date," Violeta explained.  One date?  The two of them remembered each other after one date, sure.  

"Okay and before this one date?" I asked her.  

"He was categorically annoying and still is," she answered without answering the question I asked.  

"Then why did you go on a date with him?" I asked her and she was flustered.  

"He doesn't give up and he's hot," Violeta said.  She was lying, that wasn't the reason but I knew that if I kept prying she would be mad at me.  It was more likely that I would get info out of Zach, tomorrow.  Violeta seems to have forgotten the reason why she flew here in the first place.  

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