Swing Set

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I was staying at Travis's house and I couldn't shake seeing Zach earlier.  I waited until Travis went to sleep and I snuck out of his house.  My security were following me in one of their cars but I needed to run.  I ran for a while until I came across a park and I saw someone on the swings.  The second I realized he was there, he seemed to notice me.  

I heard him laugh and I smiled.  I told my security that I knew who it was and not to worry before I went to join him on the swings.  "Can't sleep?" he asked me as I sat down on the swing next to him.  

"More like I can't stop thinking," I paused.  "about you," I added.  

"I should be celebrating but we won't happen, will we?" Zach asked me.  I noticed that he was avoiding eye contact.  

"That would depend on how often you have to see each other," I replied quietly.  

"No.  It depends on whether or not I am willing to ask you to give up one of the biggest things about you," Zach rebutted and I sighed.  

"Zach, I dropped everything to fly 3 and a half hours to yell at my brother," I stated and he looked into my eyes.  "If we really want this, then I can make work but I don't know if I want it.  Lets be real, we don't actually know each other," I said to him.  

"We have never had the opportunity to know each other but I want to know you," he paused and I knew there was something else he wanted to say.  "We don't have to be in the same city to get to know each other," he added and my heart stopped.  If we did this then it was real.  I handed him my phone and he smiled.  

"You're right, like always," I lightened the mood.  He laughed and handed my phone back and I saw that he put his contact name with a heart.  I didn't change it.  

"How have you been adjusting?" He asked me.  

"Adjusting?" I asked confused as to what he was talking about.  

"To not being able to play," he clarified.  

"That," I paused and took a deep breath.  "I am pretty good.  It hit hard in the beginning but I have pretty much gotten over it.  It still hits me sometimes but I have gotten better about controlling myself," I explained.  

"Firefly, I am so sorry about what happened to you.  Travis was in the gym when he got the call and he couldn't stand when he thought he would lose you," Zach told me.  I hadn't even thought about where they were when it happened.  

"Travis cares too much about everything and everyone," I stated and Zach laughed at my subtle dig.  It started drizzling but we both ignored it.  

"I am pretty sure that you share the same trait," he stated and I looked at him.  

"What?  Your life is completely online and the way that you treat your friends and your family its admirable especially with someone with so many opportunities to change up.  Fame hasn't changed you and that's something that most people can say," Zach told me and I smiled.  "You want to know why I bothered you so much?" He asked me.  

"I would love to," I answered.  

"You are one of the only people that actually cared enough to let me talk and you didn't like me but you still let me talk.  You would pretend to walk away but you could've just ignored me and you never did.  I appreciated it and I still do," Zach explained.  

"Zach, I have to admit something," I stated and he froze for a second.  

"Continue," he said very slowly.  

"I only went on the date with you because I thought it would be absolutely awful and you would stop bothering me," I admitted and he laughed.  

"I know.  I was determined to prove you wrong," he mused.  My phone started ringing.  

"Hello Travis," I said as I picked up the phone.  

Where did you go?

"I am sleeping," I lied and Zach started laughing.  I kicked him to shut him up.


"I'm on my way back, no need to panic plus my bodyguards are with me what's gonna happen?" I asked him.  He knew that I was fine but he wanted to know where I was.  

Okay.  He hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"You are an awful liar," Zach joked as we both stood up.  

"Whatever dude," I groaned.  

"Good night, Firefly," Zach stated.  I moved towards him and kissed him on the cheek.  

"Good night," I said before walking away and getting into my security guards car.  They drove me back to Travis's house.  

When I walked in he was sitting on the couch that faced the door.  "Hello, my darling sister.  Whatcha doing out in the middle of the night?" Travis asked.  

"Running," I stated.  I wasn't lying and Travis knew I was a terrible liar.  

"Sure," Travis said not believing me.  "Okay.  Good night," Travis said and I rolled my eyes.  

"Good night, Travis," I responded and went back to my room.  I immediately took my phone out and texted the group chat with Taylor and Lana.  Guess who I ran into today?

Who?  Taylor responded almost immediately.  Where are you?  Lana responded.  

Zachery White.  I texted them.  

WAIT WHAT?  Taylor texted.  WHERE?  Lana asked

He's on Travis's team.  AND HIS NUMBER IS 71 I texted them.  

He stole your number Lana texted.  THAT'S ADORABLE  Taylor typed.  

I also have his phone number this time I texted them

FINALLY They both texted 

Zach POV

I can not believe that just happened.  Travis is going to drill me about this tomorrow because there is no way that he didn't assume she came to see me.  Even though it wasn't planned, we still ran into each other.  Travis and I got along and I tended to stay on his good side but I have a feeling that the whole not telling him that I know his sister part is going to help with that.  

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