Red Carpet

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We flew to my moms to drop the twins off. We knocked on the door and she hugged me as soon as she saw me. "Hi sweetie," she said while holding me a little too tight. When she pulled away she smiled at Zach. "It is great to see you Zach and those cute little ones," my mom greeted them. We went inside the house with the twins security detail and talked with my mom for a while.

"Thank you again for taking care of them," I thanked my mom and she just smiled.

"I am happy to spend time with my grand kids and I really think that you two need to getaway. You both have been through a lot in the last few months. Take as much time as you need," my mom said.

"Thank you, Donna," Zach said.

"Goodbye mom," I said. Zach and I both hugged my mom before we left. I looked at my head of security, "Keep the guys here, you and another guy can come with us to LA. The kids are my top priority and we will be in heavily secured locations so it really shouldn't be a problem." When the Oscars are hosted, they lock down a hotel near the location that is hosting that is celebrities only and they hire private security. So on top of all of that everyone has private security, we will be perfectly safe.

We flew to LA and got there super late the night before the Oscars. We checked in at the front desk and then we went up to the room. We had a conjoining room with our security detail.

When I woke up, Zach was already out of the shower and doing his hair. "Morning, Firefly," Zach said and I smiled.

"Since when do you actually style your hair?" I asked and he looked at me like I was dumb.

"This is the Oscars," Zach pointed out and I rolled my eyes. I kissed him. Zach was a TV nerd and I can almost guarantee that he was going to be fan-girling over the actors. He was done doing his hair and he turned to me. "Do you want me to order breakfast?" I nodded and he walked away. I quickly showered and did my hair.

"Food's here," Zach yelled and I walked out

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"Food's here," Zach yelled and I walked out. "Well, its been a long time since I've seen your hair braided," Zach said. I used to braid my hair all the time because of sports but lately I just left it down.

"Do you like it?" I asked and he kissed me.

"I love it," he responded. We ate breakfast and there was a knock on the door. Zach went to go get it and he walked back with Travis. "Someone decided to stop in," Zach said and I smiled.

"Hey Travis how you doing?" I asked.

"Vi, I am so nervous," Travis admitted and I held in my laughter.

"You'll be fine and if you're really that bad off just find Zach cause you both are just arm candy, sorry," I said and they both gasped in mock anger. "Where's Taylor?" I asked.

"She's getting ready apparently it takes a while," Travis said.

"I know right," Zach said.

"Go be with your girlfriend. I'll see you on the red carpet," I said kicking Travis out of our room.

"You could cut him a break," Zach laughed. "I got you a present," he said as he walked over to his suitcase.

"What is it?" I asked as he gave me a box.

"Just open it," Zach said. I opened it and it was a gorgeous necklace. "The stone is garnet, the twins birthstone." Zach informed me and he took it out of the box and put it around my neck.

"  Zach informed me and he took it out of the box and put it around my neck

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"I love it. Thank you," I thanked him and I noticed the time. I needed to continue getting ready. I did my make-up and put on my dress. I knew that Zach was definitely already ready when I started putting my dress on so I took my time, he could wait.

"You are going to make us late," Zach half-yelled

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"You are going to make us late," Zach half-yelled. I was still in the bathroom but I was done getting ready so I decided to walk out.

"Being fashionably late is extremely important," I said and I watched Zach's eyes slowly go down my body. "What happened to being in a rush?" I asked but he made no effort to move. So I went to get my heels.

"Firefly, you look stunning," Zach had apparently found his words.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Zach rolled his eyes and I laughed. "Makes sense considering I picked out your suit," I added. We got in a limo and rode to the Oscars.

Travis POV

This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. People were taking hundreds of pictures from the moment Taylor got out of the car. I would've let her take pictures on her own but she wouldn't let me leave her side and it made me feel amazing.

A bunch of the photographers randomly left. "Can you see who just got here?" Taylor whispered in my ear. I turned to look and a smile broke on my face when I saw Zach. "Your sister I presume," Taylor laughed. "She is a way bigger deal here than I am." Taylor grabbed my hand and we started walking towards where the flock was and it felt weird.

"Are we supposed to be doing this?" I asked her and she laughed. She stopped a ways away from them and let Vi and Zach get photos. I saw Violeta turn to keep walking down the carpet and you could tell the second she saw Taylor. Vi ditched Zach and practically ran to hung Taylor.

"You look amazing, Tay," Violeta said as she pulled away.

"Never better than you," Taylor responded and Violeta laughed. Zach walked over and stood next to me while Taylor and Vi took pictures together.

"I totally saw this coming," Zach said and I laughed. So did I.

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