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Over the next few weeks, everything was normal. Travis called Taylor out on the podcast and people seemed to have an overly positive reaction to it. I woke up one morning, and ran to the bathroom. I threw up and I figured it was just food poisoning or something like that but I was completely fine after that. I realized that I was late and I immediately took a pregnancy test. I was worried because Zach and I had never discussed kids. It seemed kind of weird that it wasn't something that we talked about but I knew that it was going to be hard.

I was panicking and I called my mom. Hi sweetie! I heard her voice answer and I was staring at the test waiting for the results to come in.

I think I'm pregnant.

Is that a bad thing?

I don't know. Zach and I have never talked about it and I don't even know if I want kids. I love Jason's kids and I have thought about but this is so real.

Take a deep breath, Violeta. You are going to be a great mom whenever it's right for you and Zach. Did you take a test?

Yeah I'm waiting right now. I don't know mom I'm worried what if I'm a terrible mom? I don't know anything about kids

You know more than you think you do. Trust me, the only good way to be a parent is to love your children

OH MY GOD mom, I'm pregnant. I started having a panic attack this couldn't be happening. We were ready right? But what if it was too soon or...

Violeta, breathe. You and Zach will be okay. You have to breathe. You are going to be a great mom and that kid is going to adore you, trust me. You are going to be amazing. My breathing slowed to a normal pace but I felt tears forming in my eyes and I didn't know whether they were happy or sad tears.

I'll call you back later, mom. Can we just keep this between us?

Of course, take your time.

I hung up and heard Zach coming in the house downstairs. I hid the test and wiped my tears. I needed to talk to him about this. Zach came up and got in the shower and I was sitting in the kitchen drinking water. When he came down he was looking at me slightly sideways.

Zach POV

Violeta was off. I didn't know what it was but there was something bothering her. "Firefly, are you okay?" I asked her and she told me to sit down.

"What do you think about kids?" She asked me. I did not want to answer this the wrong way but I figured the truth couldn't go wrong.

"I would love to have kids with you. I never really thought you were interested in it so I never brought it up but it would be amazing. I know that you would be an amazing mom," I responded. This was a little out of nowhere and I was scared that something was wrong. She started crying and I got up and hugged her. I waited until she stopped crying before I pulled away. "Whats going on?" I asked her.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy that's what you think," she apologized and I was even more confused. I think that she could tell because she smiled. "I'm pregnant, Zach," she stated. Did I just hear that right?

"You're pregnant?" I asked with a wide grin on my face. She nodded and I picked her up and spun her around. When I put her down, I kissed her. We didn't pull apart until neither of us could breathe. This was one of the best moments in my life.

Violeta POV

I flew to Jason's house after I went to a doctor for my 12 week appointment and Zach and Travis were coming the next day after practice. I wanted to tell them in person. Both of my parents already knew but I told them to keep it quiet. After I landed, I went to the hotel and dropped all my luggage off. I headed over to Jason's house.

I knocked on the door and Kylie answered. "Hey Vi, I didn't know we were expecting you," Kylie said as she let me in. I walked in and got attacked by Wy and Ellie.

"That would be because we weren't," Jason stated with a smile on his face. He hugged me. "Are we also expecting your husband?" He asked me. I laughed.

"Him and Travis are flying here tomorrow after practice," I said as I picked up Wy. "I wanted an extra day with these cuties," I said and Wy smiled.

"Auntie Vi, you're my favorite," Wy whispered as she hugged me. Kylie laughed because Wy couldn't whisper.

"Aw, thanks Wy. Why don't you go play with your sisters," I suggested as I put her down. She hugged me again before she ran off.

"Is something wrong?" Jason asked.

"Yeah we don't usually all end up in the same city," Kylie added.

"The opposite actually," I stated and they both looked at me confused. "It's good news well at least I think it is," I elaborated. I didn't want them to figure it out.

"Okay, but if you're lying, that's messed up," Jason said and I rolled my eyes. I went to play with the girls. Kylie came in shortly after.

"Your glowing," Kylie pointed out and I couldn't hold in my smile. "I knew it, congratulations," Kylie said and she hugged me.

"Thank you, just don't tell anyone," I stated and she agreed.

"Why aren't your parents coming?" Kylie asked.

"They already know," I stated and she laughed.

"Auntie Vi?" Ellie asked and I looked at her.  "Can we do your make up?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.  I couldn't say no to that face, something I definitely needed to work on.  I ended up heading back to the hotel after I ate dinner.  It was killing me that I hadn't told Taylor yet but I was worried about how she would react and honestly I wanted to tell her in person. 

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