Ice cream

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When Taylor and I finally came out of the room, we took the twins out into the living room. I gave Zara to Zach and was about to sit down. "Violeta, you and your brothers are going to go do something," my mom said and I looked at her confused. Travis and Jason both snapped their heads to look at her. "Don't look at me like that. You all need to learn to get along so go," mom continued. There were a few hushed laughs and I rolled my eyes.

"Since when were we not getting along?" Jason asked and my mom just looked at him. He folded and agreed, so did Travis. I just stood there staring at my mom confused as to the reason this was currently happening.

"Give me a reason," I said and my mom looked at my dad.

"Violeta," was all he had say.

Travis POV

As long as I could remember, no one could control Violeta and then one day, she started listening to our dad. After a few years, I noticed that he only actually stepped in when he thought that it was important. I think Violeta knew that long before I did.

We went outside and headed to the car. The security were about to get in their car to follow but Violeta stopped them. "Don't bother. I'll be fine," she ordered and they all stood down.

I was driving in complete silence. It wasn't in any way comfortable, you could cut the tension in the air. "What is your problem?" Jason asked turning to Violeta.

"I don't have one," Violeta responded. I could tell that she was mad about something.

"You obviously do or you wouldn't have had such a problem with coming with us," Jason countered and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I have a problem with the fact that my brother decided that he is proposing to my best friend and didn't tell me," Violeta said smirking. How did she know that? I pulled over and turned to look at her.

"How?" I asked her and she laughed.

"I know your mannerisms better than anyone and Taylor said you were being an asshole basically so I connected the dots," Violeta explained. Taylor did not say that.

"I am not," I retorted.

"Well, you kind of are when you keep secrets," Jason said and I was about to tell him I wasn't before he continued. "You don't talk and if you do, it's one word maybe two. You also have a tendency of avoiding being alone with whoever you are keeping the secret from," Jason said. I sighed and slumped back into my seat.

"I don't have a problem with you marrying her but I didn't know so when she was talking and I realized it she noticed. Don't worry, I didn't tell her but it caused a slight argument because she thought I was protecting you," Violeta explained. I was relieved that she was okay with it and I hadn't even thought about that.

"So she doesn't know?" I asked trying to make sure that I understood what happened.

"She's not dumb, Travis. She will figure it out if you keep acting the way that you are," Violeta said assuring me.

Violeta POV

Travis did not need to know whether or not she had already come to the assumption because if he knocked it off, she would probably forget it. "Wait so what exactly are we doing right now?" I asked after we had stopped talking and Travis had started driving again.

"I was thinking an ice cream parlor," Jason said and put it in the navigation. "The girls will love ice cream and this way we won't come back completely empty handed," Jason concluded. I laughed and we continued driving. We were literally in the middle of nowhere and the only people there were the workers.

"Good afternoon what can I," the person working stopped when he looked up and realized who on was standing in front of him. "Sorry, what can I get for you?" he asked regaining his composure. Jason rattled off the entire list before stopping and looking at Travis.

"Do you know what Taylor's family would want?" Jason asked and Travis nodded before telling the worker. We went to get ice cream a lot so Jason knew everyone's orders.

The worker got everyone's orders and Travis paid for it. "Sorry I know this is totally unprofessional but can I please get a picture?" the worker asked. We agreed and took a picture with him, I also gave him a five hundred dollar tip before we left.

We walked into the house and Wyatt was messing around near the front door. "ICE CREAM," Wyatt yelled.

"Calm down girlie," Travis said smiling. I laughed and we continued walking in. Travis was really started talking, like a lot. He seriously didn't know how to keep his cool. We finished our ice cream and all the kids were put to bed and our parents went to sleep too.

We were all sitting on the couch and we put on a Christmas movie. "I feel very single right now," Austin said. We all laughed and Taylor moved so that she was just sitting next to Travis. At some point, the movie was kinda boring so I took my phone out and started scrolling on Instagram. I saw the picture that my brothers and I took with the ice cream worker pop up.

"Seriously you guys had a photo op?" Zach asked laughing a little and I turned to him.

"We got the ice cream first," I defended.

"Sure, Firefly," Zach asked as he clicked on the comments. "Five hundred dollar tip, how generous," Zach mused.

"I'm sorry what?" Jason asked. I may have slightly hid the fact that I gave him money.

"It's nothing," I said and Travis laughed. Zach usually had to physically stop me from giving tips because he thought that I gave enough money to other people as is.

"You think that's nothing?" Austin asked.

"Yes," I stated no faltering in my voice. Five hundred dollars could barely get you anything so I don't understand what the big deal is.

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