First goodbye

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"Today, you will go one-on-one against the best center in the college league," the coach stated and I froze.  Were they expecting me to be able to beat her?  There was no way.  Lana Hanover had set new records in lacrosse last year as a junior.  I watched her walk over to me and I was still frozen in place.  She had a smirk on her face like she knew exactly what she was doing to me, like it fueled her. 

"You think you can be me, Kelce?" Lana asked me and I forced myself to not hesitate. 

Lana POV

Kelce looked terrified when she saw me.  That was good.  "Yes," she spoke.  Her voice was calm and her features relaxed.  It wasn't fake confidence, she actually thought she could beat me.  That doesn't happen, ever. 

I laughed before I heard the coach say, "first to score three times wins."  They counted us in and we started.  I scored the first point.  I scored the second point. 

Violeta POV

I was not going to lose like this.  I put my fear and hesitation aside and I let my body move without thinking.  Suddenly the score was 2-2 and there was a look of astonishment on Lana's face.  I saw the second that she went serious.  She scored the last point and I sighed. 

"Good game, Kelce," Lana stated.  I was too focused on the fact that I just lost to realize that she was impressed by me.  I walked out of the building since that was the only thing that I had to do today. 

Lana POV

"What just happened?" The coach asked me and I shrugged. 

"She wasn't thinking.  I have never gone against a center that could go into autopilot and still succeed.  Where is she going to school?" I asked the coach. 

"Cincinnati," the coach responded and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Good, they already have a center so I won't get embarrassed during this season," I replied.  The coach laughed and looked shocked that I was actually worried about her. 

Violeta POV

I answered my phone.  Hey Taylor! What's up?

Any chance you aren't doing anything right now?  I'm bored and have to get lunch

Nope I'm actually totally free.  Where do you want to meet?

How does the on campus deli in like 10 minutes sound?

Perfect cya


I started heading off in the direction of the deli.  I had already been here for almost four weeks in fact I was leaving tomorrow so I was glad that Taylor and I were meeting up again before we were in different parts of the country. 

When I got there, Taylor was already standing outside. 

"Hey Violeta!" she yelled because I was kinda far away.  I laughed a little while I was walking. 

"Hey Taylor," I said when I got closer to her. 

"How's training?" Taylor asked me. 

"Well it's been great.  I've learned a ton and I'm excited to start the season but I just lost in a simulation game," I ranted.  She seemed genuinely interested in what I was talking about. 

"I have no idea what a simulation game is," Taylor stated as a way to get me to explain it. 

"Basically it's like a fake game.  I went against one of the players in the college league first to get three goals wins," I explained and she still looked confused so I continued.  "One of the upcoming college seniors who plays the same position as me played best of three.  We finished with a score of 3-2," I was definitely pouting when I said the last sentence. 

Taylor looked shocked.  "So what you're saying is: you went against one of the best players at your position and held your own not to mention the fact that you almost won," Taylor enunciated every word. 

"Well I guess if you say it like that it doesn't sound as bad," I considered. 

We went in and ordered food before continuing our conversation.  "That test seems like it is designed for you to fail.  It was probably to see whether or not you were a sore loser or maybe whether or not you would crack under the pressure," Taylor theorized. 

I paused for a second.  "How did I not notice that?" I exclaimed slapping my hand to my forehead.  Taylor laughed at my frustration and I laughed with her.  "How's recording the music video going?" I asked her. 

"Fun, I guess.  I don't really know.  I love music but recording a music video doesn't really seem like a worthwhile thing," Taylor explained. 

"Well the whole point of recording a music video is so that people have easy access to your music.  And I have a feeling that you'll be making a lot more music in the future so it'll probably become routine at some point, right?" I assured her and she smiled. 

"How do you know so much about music?" Taylor asked me and I laughed. 

"I'm going to be a music major.  It just one of those things that calms the mind and I would love to get involved after my lacrosse career has run its course," I explained. 

"Music and sports is a weird combination but it kinda seems fitting for you," Taylor mused.  Talking to her seemed so easy and almost like I'd known her forever.  I never really have had any friends that weren't on my lacrosse team so this was new but I liked having things to talk about with her. 

Taylor POV

I was surprised at how easy Violeta and I could keep a conversation.  We joked and poked fun at each other but we still seemed to be able to talk about serious stuff.  I don't know if we'll ever be able to keep contact after this summer though and honestly I don't want to think about it.  The future wasn't something that was going to make me lose what was happening right now.  I wouldn't let it. 

Violeta POV

The next day I had my stuff all packed up and was getting ready to leave campus but I wanted to say bye to Taylor first.  I walked to the set and waited for her to notice that I was there but I could hear the marks of the song and it was amazing. 

"Violeta! Hey what's up?" Taylor asked walking over to me and she saw the suitcase and a frown formed on her face.  "You're leaving," she sighed. 

"Yeah, I have to get going but I wanted to make sure that I came by first," I explained.  She hugged me so hard that I thought I was going to suffocate. 

"If we ever lose touch I want you to promise me that you'll call when you get into the hall of fame," she stated holding her pinky finger out. 

I laughed.  "You'll get there before I do," I mused.  And looked at her with a serious look.  "You have to call me if you ever make it big or need someone to talk to and I'll do the same, promise." 

She smiled.  "Promise," she declared.  We pinky promised each other.  With that, I walked away and didn't ever actually say goodbye because I was hoping that it wouldn't be. 

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