Race Against Time

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For the next few weeks, we went hosted the camps until the week before school started.  That was the freshman orientation training which Lana went to.  I went to a conference for female athletes because I was asked to give a speech.  

"Good afternoon, everyone!  I am Violeta Kelce and I play D1 lacrosse.  Playing lacrosse is more than just a game for me.  It builds my confidence, teamwork, and resilience.  So for all the girls out there, never give up on your dreams.  Surround yourself with support, embrace challenges, and believe in yourself.  You have what it takes to be strong, successful, and unstoppable.  Thank you.  Keep playing and keep dreaming," I concluded my speech.  There was a round of applause from the audience.  I stuck around and socialized with as many people as possible.  I also posted my speech on the my social media platforms.  

The beginning of the school year was hectic with my brothers.  Travis was randomly drug tested and failed which was a huge setback in his career.  Jason eventually was able to convince the coaches to give Travis another chance and the two of them ended up rooming together.  I was happy to see the two of them bonding.  

Throughout the lacrosse season that year, we won almost every game that we played.  When the NFL draft rolled around, I was on edge because Jason was taking part in it.  I was worried when he didn't get drafted in the first two days of the draft.  But, the eagles drafted hi in the sixth round which was weird because they hadn't even spoke to Jason.  I remembered my conversation with Andy Reid and chalked to up to a coincidence.  

We won the lacrosse championship and we were nominated for best offensive and defensive line.  Kayley and I were also nominated as player of the year.  We won best offensive and defensive line but neither of us won player of the year.  This meant that I had won 3 awards, half of what Lana had achieved.  Taylor had released and gone on tour for her Speak Now.  

Kayley and I did the summer training camps across the country and we also signed a few more brand deals.  At this point, we both had one security guard mostly there so that random people couldn't just run up to us.  We were now entering our junior year.  

None of the other teams could even come close to beating us during the season.  Our team won best offensive and defensive line.  Kayley and I were also both nominated for player of the year again.  I won.  So in total, I had 6 awards tied with Lana's record.  Jason had led the eagles to the playoffs unfortunately I couldn't attend any of the games.  Kayley and I did the training over the summer again.  We were now entering our senior year.  

Taylor released her album, Red during October.  Travis was drafted by the Chiefs in the third round.  Andy Reid drafted him, another coincidence.  Officially, neither of my brothers had graduated from college.  We were unmatched in the league again.

During the last game before the championship, I was about to score when I got hit from both sides and everything went black.  

Kayley POV

I hadn't even realized that people were running at Violeta until she was on the ground.  Knocked out.  From what I saw her head was trapped between two sticks and I knew that it was going to be really bad.  They rushed her off the field and we had to finish the game.  We finished just as an ambulance arrived and I convinced the paramedics to let me come with them.  Violeta was still unconscious.  

She was in the emergency room for a long time.  "Kayley, do you know anything," I heard her mom ask.  I shook my head still unable to form coherent thoughts.  A doctor came in.  

"Violeta Kelce," they said and her mom called him over.  "So, she is still unconscious and we really won't know the extent of her injuries unless she wakes up."  I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I looked up.  

"What do you mean unless?  She is going to wake up," I was crying at this point.  I couldn't imagine what was going to happen and I definitely wasn't the one that should be here for her.  I quickly pulled out Violeta's phone I grabbed it before I got into the ambulance.  I texted Taylor and Lana.  This is Kayley, Violeta went down and she is unconscious.  I will keep you both updated but I know that she would want you both to know.  

Te doctor was speaking in medical terms and I didn't understand a word of it but did know that this was not going to end well.  Whether she died or had permanent brain damage, she was never going to be the same.  The doctor led us to the room that Violeta was in and she looked so peaceful, like she was just sleeping.  Is she in the hospital?  From Lana.  

Yeah, Good Samaritan Hospitial.  I responded still on Violeta's phone.  

I am coming.  What have the doctors said?  From Taylor.

She got her head squished between two sticks so they aren't sure what the damage is but they don't know if she will ever wake up.  I responded and then I turned her phone off because I was a mess.  Her parents were so worried and I could tell that this wasn't something that had happened before.  I know that her and her brothers had their fair share of injuries but I don't think that it has ever been this serious.  

Violeta POV

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