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smut 🥶.

"'Cause it's not just a figure of speech
You got me down on my knees
It's getting harder to breathe out"

meddle about - chase atlantic

"cant sleep?" I say as I walk over to the chair beside the pool, he was sitting on the next one. "nope." he says as I pull out a cig, "you quit?" I ask him as I pass it to him, "no. did you start?" he asks as he declines the cigarette, "no. just thought you would want to smoke, you know?" I say as I put it away and set the pack on the floor. "nah, just too sexy do die from smoking at this age." he says with a smirk.

"right." I say as I spot the cup of wine on his hand, "can I?" I ask as he nods and passes it over, I take a big sip, "good wine." I say as I pass it back, "yeah, bill likes to buy it." he says as he sets the glass on the ground.

I nod in understanding, I feel his hand on top of mine, he looks over at me, "I have missed seeing you, your beautiful face, your beautiful smile, that amazing humor, personality, that amazing heart of yours." he smiles softly, I feel his right hand on my thigh, I was wearing pijama shorts, I shiver at the sudden touch. "tom." I say softly as he picks me up and sits me down on his lap, he groans softly, "tell me meine liebe, tell me to stop. tell me you don't want it as much as I do. tell me." he whispers in to my ear, his hands resting on my waist.

I feel my breathing get heavier by the second, "go ahead, tell me shatz. I wanna hear you say you don't want this." I look him in the eyes, I could feel the tension, and even if didn't want this, I wasn't going to say I didn't want because I don't wan't it, I need it. I need his touch, I crave his touch, like a drug. He's my drug, my cigarette addiction, my alcohol addiction, in human form.

"I want it. I need you." I say as he started kissing and nibbling on my neck, he'll leave a hickey or two. "knock it off, tom. not outside!" said bill from his balcony as he threw tom a plastic cup, which hit his head. "ow! Bill, du Arschloch." he says as I look up at bill and he just laughs and goes back inside.

"my room?" he asks as I nod. We stand and walk inside, close the door and walk up to his room. "Maybe not my room, its right next to bills, and I know you're loud." he says as we change locations, "not that loud, dont be dramatic." I say as he laughs and we walk to the guest room.

Tom then takes off his shirt as I lock the door, he had bruises around his abs, "what happened?" I ask him, "got in a fight at the club, they're not new."  he said as he literally grabs me and rams his lips into mine, I pull away, "god, a warning would be fine." I say as I kiss him back.

He quickly removes my shirt, "do you have problems with bras? theres many times you're not wearing one." I slap his arm, "its less work for you! plus theres a point where they annoy me." I say as he laughs, we move to the bed.

He removes my shorts, then my panties, which usually end up somewhere around the room, or under the bed for some weird reason. He then removes his pants, his boxers, and boom its heaven.

He pulls me down to him, "you're so gorgeous, baby." he says as his raspy and german accent makes an appearance, which literally makes me fold, every single time.

"shut up." I say as he literally thrusts himself into me, I grip into the sheets. "is that fine?" he asks as I nod, "use your words" he says as he starts thrusting into me at a pace that would literally break my insides.

This goes on for like 5 minutes before I cum. He doesnt stop until he cums. I was a moaning mess, the room was hot, I was sweaty, he was sweaty, but he was in me. ruining my insides, while I moaned his mame like a fucking parrot repeating what you just said every second.

He then pulls out, cleans us up and lays beside me, "that was great." he says as I smile, "I missed you." I say as he covers us up with the blanket, "I missed you way lots, meine liebe."

okay this ine is LIKE BAD. BAD. smut but I was so out of motivation while writing the end of tjis and NOW IM MAD CUZ WHY. but hope this is enough cuz I plan to do more next chapter 😭😭 CIAOOO

836 words.

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