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"birds dont sing,"

"they js fall down from the sky"

"you're such a cute nerd," I say to taylor as he rolls his eyes, "im not a nerd, and you shouldn't be calling me cute." he says as he looks over at tom, who was just walking out of my room, "we're not dating, he goes and does that to other girls, why cant I do the same." I say as I shrug, "plus you'll always be cute to me taylor, you're my favorite ever, you've always been my biggest supporter." I say as I kiss his cheek.

"gross," he says as his cheeks burn up a bit, "you say gross but your blushing!" I say with a laugh. "im not blushing! its hot in here." he says as he looks away, "oh yeah its very warm in here." I say sarcastically.

"stop it, you're not funny" he says out of annoyance, "im very funny tay, thank you." I say as I laugh. "sometimes." he admits.

"le dire a mi mama que no te vuelva a cocinar." he says as I gasp, "oh no, no tu mama, dont do that, I love your moms cooking." I say with a sad smile, "I wont, I was joking, my mom literally loves you."
he says with a smile, "you better not" I reply with a smile.

we were in my room, I was sitting in my bed with tay, kayden was with tom, bill was out, mason was out in a date with ang.

"play britney spears," says taylor, "britney?" I ask, "yeah britney?" he repeats, "you like britney?" I ask, "of course I do, shes likes so pretty and her voice is angelic." he says, I laugh.

I go up to the radio/cd player and turn om britney spears.

(idk whar they used back then bro 😭😭)

"you're such a godess cas" he says, "you're so sweet" I respond as britney spears starts playing in the back, "you got girlfriends?" I ask him, "girlfriends? no, im talking to a girl though." he says, "really? thats awesome!" I say as he chuckles, "her names lariza, shes european." he says smilimg softly.

"european? where you meet her?" I ask him, "tour." he says, "no way, she must be gorgeous." I say as I laugh as he blushes, "she is, shes like some star, just pretty to stare at and be around" he says, "aw you're like in love with her." I say with a soft smile, "I dont know, I dont want to get too attached," he says, I nod in understandment "I get it,"

"once you get attached its hard to get back to where you started." I say as he nods, "how are you and tom?" he asks, "alright, I guess" I respond, "yeah?" he says, "yeah." I reply.

"thats awesome" he says, I nod, "I bought you something," he says, "bought me what?" I ask him, he pulls something out from his backpack, "here, its a coloring book, I know you love to color so I brought you this, you can use it while we are on tour, you know so you're not bored or something." he says as I smile

I take it from him and hug him, "I love you taylor," I say as I let go, "I love you too rockstar" he replies with a smile.

"aw so cute" says mason at the door, "holy shit, you're back, how did it go?" I ask him as I get up from the bed, I give him a hug as tay just goes up to him and they do they're handshake or whatever, "it went well," he says with a smile, "you fucked her??" I say, "shut up!" he says, "on the first date mason? couldn't you have waited?" I ask him.

"oh my god, it wasnt the first time you two fucked! holy shit. oh my, im so gonna bully her for this. ew." I say as the thought of my best friend and my brother fucking disgusts the shit out of me.

"leave it," he says as he switches the topic, "wheres tom?" he asks, "downstairs? is he not downstairs?" I say as I look down the staircase, "tom?" I shout, "yeah cas?" says tom as he runs to the bottom from where I was looking, "he's right there." I say, "I didnt see him," says mason, "whats up?" says tom as mason goes to say hi.

them getting along is like a miracle, toms a playboy, hes hard to understand and its hard to set your foot down on him, but he's getting there.

I go back into my room and go back to talking to taylor, "you know out of the whole band and toms band, you're the one who actually loves loves to spend time with me and just hear me talk and talk, I mean bill too but you're always gonna be the original" I say as taylor laughs, "I grew up with sisters its the most I can do." he says as I laugh, "true"

I've known taylor since I was a little kid, I grew up with him, I was with him when his mom and dad divorced, when they got back together, when his dad went to jail, when he turned into a 'man', even though I was older than him, we always just got along, he was respectful, nice, handsome and just an amazing person and I loved that about him.

"foods ready" yells kayden from downstairs, food? motherfucker who tfhe fuck was cooking? taylor looks at me confused, we run downstairs to the kitchen and it smells burnt. "what the fuck?" I say as I walk inside, it looks like they tried to make pasta, noodles and more pasta.

"we all thought it would be nice to cook" tom says with a smile, "please dont ever touch my kitchen again, what is that?" I say with a laugh, "god who thought you guys to cook." I say as I clean the stove.

"just order cookout, ill clean this up, this is so burnt." I say as I take the food outside and just set it out for the outdoor cats or dogs to eat, it's something I do whenever this happens, I would also leave them water and sometimes some dog and cat food, I loved it.

"it wasnt burned, it was just..overcooked." says kayden, "overcooked?" I ask him as I roll my eyes.

"Making love is an easy thing to do,"

"And she didn't feel like pushing herself,"

"But don't be fooled 'cause it could've been you"

"Or him, or anyone else."

HI GUYS!! I finally updated and I feel so glad to say I hit 4k on tt this week and ive never been proud sm I literally had a harry potter editing acc like back in 2020-2021 and it got banned at 5k cus my ass was promoting a wattpad story 😭😭 and then I got so upset so I js stopped editing for like 1 or 2 whole years idk like the whole 2022 😭😭 then I started editing shameless and the walking dead like earlier this year and then I found out abt tom so I started editing tom then tokio hotel and well hi okay I yap too much THANK YOU ( go follow my editing acc)
also are casey and masons parents divorced or together I forgot bro 😊

𝐑𝐄𝐃 (tom Kaulitz)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora