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"and im down on my hands and knees"

"begging you, please show me your world."

for starters, id like to say, my band and I are about to release a song, not only about 1 million people would like, but Millions. with a capital M. I hated being in love, or just liking someone, knowing that they could or would do anything upsetting and I'd end up finding out later on always upset me and made me mad. why date someone just to not be who you were at first? or cheat? or dump after like 5 days? or just be all rude and shit.

it was 3pm exactly on the clock when I had the perfect idea to go see who? tom kaulitz? what? yeah. dumb of me, I mean I forgave him for last time, I can't hold grudges. but why would I do such a thing? "casey ruberts and tom kaulitz? seen together?" youre so funny. if you told me long ago, I'd fall for a guy LIKE that, I would of laughed in your face and called you a stupid cunt.

anyways, march 12, 2007. 4:26 pm, what am I doing? walking with the Tom Kaulitz, to a restaurant, is there paparazzi out? no, are there fans out? somewhere of course. does my brother know? yeah of course, will I regret this? lets find out.

"what would you like to order?" asks the waitress as we finish looking at the menu, "I'd like to get pasta please." says tom as he looks at the waitress and she smiles at him flirtatiously.

I scoff under my breath, is she serious? do we look like fucking siblings or some pathetic shit? I know damn fucking well she knows im his date, fucking slut she is, pretty though wont deny that, gorgeous indeed, her curves are so see able because of her work uniform, gosh shes like sexy. big thighs, skinny, sexy. I see why tom would choose her.

"and you would like?" she asks me with a soft smile, you. thats what i'd like, but your smile looks too fake compared to the one given to tom, so i think I'll pass. "pasta too please." I say as I give her the same smile she gave me.

pathetic, aint she? she may be sexy and shit but fucking slut? it's obvious im his date or whatever the fuck we are both doing, is she fucking blind? ill poke her eyes out myself if she keeps looking at tom like that.

"and what would you like to drink?" she asks looking over at me, toms kids. "piña colada please." I tell her as she then proceeds to give me that stupid fake smile of hers, wink at tom, and walk away forcefully swaying her hips like shes the shit? stupid, embarrassing, dumb, gosh why am I not being nice. am I jealous? oh possibly, I mean shes like so much prettier than me, her hair, just sits perfectly, her bangs, just banging, her lashes, lashing, her makeup, makeuping, her body, bodying.

me on the other hand I look like a joke, my lashes dont lash like hers, my hair doesnt just sit perfectly, my body doesn't just body, what am I doing wrong? fucking hell.

"casey?" says tom interrupting my thoughts, "yeah?" I ask as we make eye contact, "you okay, meine liebe?" he asks as he rubs his hand on mine, "yeah, why?" I reply as I feel the warmth of his hand, hes so cute. his smile is so pretty, his eyes, so shiny and cute. his face, perfect. oh am I head over heels over this boy.

"you just kind of," he pauses think of his words, "zone out" he leans back on the seat, making himself comfortable. "sorry, I tend to do it a lot." I say as I give him a small smile. "your uh, your" he points to the corner of his lips, trying to tell me something, "Grübchens" he says giving me a small smile. "dimples?" I say translating what he just said to me, "yes, that word," he then points to my dimples, "smile and they look cute, I love your smile, you can see your dimples." he says warmingly.

I feel myself start blushing. "thank you tom." I say as he just nods his head with a smile on his face. he makes me wanna cry, I want to grab his face and kiss him all over, appreciate him, make him feel like hes special, not just sexually, lovingly.

"heres your food" says the waitress as she comes back, she places mine and toms plates on our side of the tables and a few minutes later brings in the drinks.

a few hours had passed since me and tom were here at the restaurant like 1 hour maybe, we had gotten the back of the restaurant so we wouldn't be flooded by paparazzi or whatever.

"you want ice cream?" asks tom as he plays with the strand of hair in my face, I had moved over next to him. "they sell ice cream here?" I ask him, I don't think they do. "no, but we can find someplace." he says as he takes out his wallet and pays the exact amount, no tips. thank god, that waitress seemed like she had enough.

we then walk out, the waitress waves by to tom, he doesn't even acknowledge her. ha, get that cunt. wait, he doenst even acknowledge her? tom kaulitz would acknowledge any pretty girl he saw. what the actual fuck? am I like hallucinating? whatever.

"what type of ice cream do you prefer?" he asks me out of curiosity, "coffee, mint, strawberry, and chocolate" I say as we walk to a near ice cream shop, it was like 5:40 pm. "mines vanilla and strawberry." he says as he puts his hand around me.

"they're really good flavors" I say as we arrive to the ice cream shop, we order and sit down. "you know, im glad we got out together today" he makes eye contact with me, "I got to see you jealous, and we got to eat together, talk, laugh, and I got to see your pretty face." he says as rubs my hand. he noticed I got jealous, what is wrong with him? absolutely nothing. but like how did he notice that, its not like I looked at her bad or something. did I? I most definitely did.

whatever. im a hater, im jealous, insecure, im a girl.

I laugh, "I thought you wouldn't notice when I got jealous about the waitress." he then laughs too, "you rolled your eyes when she was walking away, so I thought, shes jealous. I didn't want her though, you're my date, I may be a playboy, but I know who im playing, and I know how to treat girls even if I dont get the same treatment right, you were my date, still are, she knew, she just acted stupid." he says, the reassurance makes me somewhat happy.

we spent time eating our ice cream, we talked, laugh, smiled and just spent a few hours at the ice cream shop, it turned to like 7 by the time we left, it was dark and no one really recognized us if they did they asked for autographs.

"thanks for going out with me today casey, really, im glad we talked. I like talking to you."

"I like talking to you too, tom."

we said our goodbyes, I got in my house, he got in his car, he went home. fun day.

now, did I regret it? not at all.

1285 words,
ciao, keep reading thank you!

𝐑𝐄𝐃 (tom Kaulitz)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang