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this chapter will contain smut. dont read if u dont want to idgaf??

"when you cycled by,"

"the saddest thing I've ever seen"

"why are you like this? whats wrong?" I ask tom as he walks away from me, "tom! im fucking talking to you? whats your fucking problem." I ask him as he stops and turns to face me, he gets closer, "you're my problem." is he fucking serious?

"what the fuck. im here for you, I help you, I take care of you, I hang out with you? Und ich bin das Problem."

(and im the problem.)

"ja, you walk around me like a lost fucking dog, its annoying, 'tom this', 'tom that' every second. I need my own space and apparently you dont even know what that is, verdammt nervig."

(damn annoying)

I get closer to him and slap him across the face, "fucking dog my ass, thought you were different, apparently I thought wrong," I scoff, "tell bill to not wait for me. you fucking ass." I unlock his house door and walk out as he stands there rubbing his cheek.

stupid dick, im always making sure he's okay and I always hang out with him and sometimes I dont because I know he might need space and then he has a problem and its me? hes the fucking problem, with his little ass attitude and shit? is he like really fucking stupid??

he definitely is.

selfish asshole.

"you're here early." says mason as I enter the house, I take off my shoes and walk to my room closing the main door behind me. "are you okay?" he says as he walks to my room. "no, i fucking make sure he's okay, I always make sure he doesn't feel alone, and im the fucking problem? are you fucking serious? how stupid is he? I bet it was so he could bring his stupid sex toys to his house, since apparently I didn't let him in my fucking pants, ugh, I miss him now. Hes actually so fucking stupid, he doesnt deserve me, asshole." I say as mason just listens, "he'll come crawling back, he always does" he then just leaves.

wow mason thank you, of course he's gotta come back, he lives off pussy. well they are what they eat.

I then close my door and listen to both my bands newly released songs, 'need 2' and 'cry' pretty basic but the people love them, we might have a tour come up, too.

I then get a notification, "im sorry, my brothers a total bitch, I'll make sure he apologizes to you, he didnt mean those words. also me and the band are having dinner tonight, bring your band, wear a dress ;), we know tom will go crazy." says the text from bill, isnt he amazing?

I text him back saying "dont worry about your brother, I know hes a total ass, and will do, what time?" he then replies with "7 pm, love you" I go to my closet and look for my dresses.

I come across green dress, silky, and very pretty, it has some pretty designs, where did I get it? I dont know.

I take it out and put it on my bed, I grab my towel and go into the bathroom, I get undressed and turn the water to the right temperature, not too cold but not too hot. I get in and clean myself, I do what I have to do and get out the bathroom, I wrap my towel around my body and walk over to my vanity.

𝐑𝐄𝐃 (tom Kaulitz)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu