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Val looked up from the paper she'd been reading, previously the only one in the kitchen. She'd just sent Viktor off, who'd spent two weeks in London helping the Order and getting to know Val better. And every day that they were together, the smile on Val's face got larger and larger as she learned he was more than just a dumb Quidditch player.

He liked Puffskiens and was afraid of spiders like Ron. His favorite color was blue and he wanted to be a coach when he retired from Quidditch, taking over at Durmstrang or Hogwarts or any school that had an opening. He had two younger sisters that he loved very much. And most importantly, he cared a great deal about Val and wasn't afraid to show it.

It was Remus who asked about how she felt about the man, the newly appointed professor leaning against the doorway. He didn't look mad — if anything, he looked content, happy that Val was happy.

"I do, surprisingly," Val answered honestly. Then she smiled at the paper. "Makes me wish I hadn't of been such a bitch on the Yule Ball date."

"Well, he fell for you regardless," he joked, coming to join her.

Then Val set her paper down and looked at him, glad to have a moment alone with him. "I know that... things didn't end well between us, Rem. But I'm starting to realize that maybe you were a little right."

"About what?"

"About it really just being a schoolgirl crush," she admitted, fiddling with her nails. "And I hope that it won't get in the way of us being friends in the future."

"Of course, not, Val," he said, shaking his head. "I really and truly am happy for you and Viktor. I just hope he treats you right — Merlin knows you deserve someone that makes you happy."

"He does," she said with a smile. Then she laughed. "I think your lot would've liked him in school based on the stories he tells. Once, he was dared to fly around their pitch, naked in the freezing cold."

"Now that sounds like something Sirius would get James to do," Remus told her. "I look forward to getting to know him better during future trips."

Val studied him, glad to see that he really seemed to mean it. Gone were the snide remarks and rude comments fueled by jealousy on both ends.

"You know," she began, "you deserve someone that makes you happy too, Remus. You always have."

His face fell and he turned away, not wanting to have this conversation again. "Val, my condition—"

"Yeah, you're a Werewolf. We all know," she cut him off. "But that doesn't mean people are incapable of loving you and that you're not deserving of it. Sirius loves you. So does Harry and Ivy and each of the Weasleys. You are loved, Remus Lupin, even if you don't want to admit it."

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