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[  going to a conference for women in mathematics in nebraska tomorrow so i'll have plenty of time to write and make edits on the plane  ]

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BY THE NEXT MORNING, the Wizarding World was in disarray

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

BY THE NEXT MORNING, the Wizarding World was in disarray. The news of everything that had happened broke in the night — Sirius Black being innocent, Peter Pettigrew's harrowing betrayal, and the involvement of four children that it took to unravel the story, leaving out some of the Time-Turner's involvement of course.

They were able to verify Sirius's claim that Pettigrew was the Potter's Secret Keeper and that he had killed the twelve Muggles in that explosion before hiding with the Weasley family. There would still be an official trial for Pettigrew to decide if he would receive the Dementor's Kiss, but he was shipped off to Azkaban as soon as the sun came up. And Sirius Black walked free, though apparently he'd need to register himself as an Animagus, something he wasn't thrilled about.

On the last morning of the term, Ivy accompanied Harry to Professor Lupin's office, not having seen him since the full moon ended. The news had spread that he was a Werewolf — it wasn't in the Daily Prophet, making everyone suspect Snape had something to do with the rumor traveling so quickly. Both Harry and Ivy were concerned with how he was coping with such an important secret getting out, so she made sure to have chocolate chip cookies in hand as they climbed the stairs to his office.

They could hear soft music playing from the record player that Remus often used during the more practical Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons to keep things fun. They both walked through the open door, but before they could knock, Remus was greeting them despite the fact that his back was turned.

"Hello, Harry. Ivy." They looked at him a bit stunned, not thinking they had been that loud when they came in. But then he gestured to the open map on his desk. "I saw you coming." Then he noticed the pitying looks that they were giving him, taking in his ragged and exhausted physic. "I've looked worse, believe me."

"Boy, is that ever true." Both Ivy and Harry had failed to notice the man standing to their left, who had been silently leaning against an emptied bookshelf.

Ivy took in Sirius with wide eyes. It was amazing what a shower and a fresh set of clothes could do. Half of his long hair was tied back, showing off his face, which, in the light, Ivy couldn't help but find rather handsome. His scraggly beard had been neatly trimmed and framed his sharp jawline and high cheekbones well. The dark shirt he was wearing fit his lean frame much better than the prison robes had, and the rolled-up sleeves showed off muscular forearms.

Yes. Very handsome, and thinking that immediately caused Ivy to glance away, not wanting anyone in the room to catch her studying him so intently.

"Sirius!" Harry said happily. "W - we figured you would've left as soon as you could — get started on seeing the world."

ivy | s. black ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें