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WHEN IVY WOKE, she could feel fingertips tracing along her spine, a comforting motion that nearly lulled her back to sleep

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WHEN IVY WOKE, she could feel fingertips tracing along her spine, a comforting motion that nearly lulled her back to sleep. Her head was burrowed in a firm chest, and she stayed right there, feeling a bit shy after the night they'd had together. But at the very least, Sirius was still in bed and holding her, so she couldn't have been that bad or regrettable.

Truthfully, Sirius wanted to be up and making breakfast for her — he'd woken up thirty-two minutes ago. But he didn't want to risk her waking up alone, knowing how important this all was for her. He needed to make sure her experience was nothing short of perfect. And besides, it wasn't as if holding hers in his arms was a laborious task.

Knowing that he was awake and not wanting to face him quite yet, she pressed up even closer, pressing her nose into his chest. But that clued him in to her awake status.

Sirius dipped down, his lips brushing her ear as he tried to guide her out of his chest. "Morning, Bunny."

"Don't think I can handle you calling me that in front of others anymore," she murmured, still staying hidden.

The older man just smirked, knowing he was going to weaponize that fact in some way now. But he frowned when she kept her face to his chest. "Darling?" he questioned. "Why don't you come out and face the day?"

"Don't want to."

"And why's that?"

Ivy swallowed thickly, not knowing if she could admit one of her deepest insecurities. "You won't want me anymore after last night."

Sirius scoffed and pulled away from her like she'd burned him with a hot iron, offended by the very notion. "Look at me, Ivy." When she didn't move her head up, he said again in a much firmer tone, "Look at me."

She held her breath and did as told, nearly flinching at the hurt look on his face.

"Why would I no longer want you?" he questioned, nearly clenching his fist.

"Because," she said, her eyes shining. "You've gotten what you wanted — you had sex with me. That's all boys wanted in school. And compared to all the girls you've had—"

"It's true," he cut her off. "I've had many lovers, and they all meant nothing other than a fun night. My heart does not stir lightly, Darling, but it does now. You are all-consuming, Ivy. And I meant it when I told you I love you, something I've never said before if you can believe it."

Looking into his grey eyes, she could believe him. So, her shoulders relaxed the slightest bit. "I love you, too."

"What a relief," he murmured, cupping her cheek. "Now, let me properly greet you."

Then Sirius leaned in to kiss her softly — so much softer than all their rough kisses the night before. It was comforting. Just as comforting as waking with her in his arms was. Ivy relaxed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull herself even closer to him, soaking in the heat he gave off on the chilly morning.

ivy | s. black ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora