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"SORRY ABOUT THE BITE. I reckon that twinges a bit."

"A bit?" Ron asked in disbelief. As they were traveling back through the tunnel, Harry and Sirius were helping Ron limp along. "A bit? You almost tore my leg off!"

"Now, I was going to the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog," Sirius defended. "In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent."

"Ivy can vouch for that," Harry spoke up. "She was just as worried about whether Snuffles had rabies as if Ron was gonna lose his leg."

"You were more worried about the dog than me?" Ron asked, looking over his shoulder at Ivy with an accusing glare. "You've known me since I was six. You've only been feeding him for a year."

"Ivy's been feeding you?" Remus asked, not holding back a laugh. He was guarding Pettigrew and making sure he didn't change back into a rat. "No wonder you look so much healthier than your mugshot."

"She's been bringing you cookies all year and hasn't mentioned her precious stray dog, Snuffles?" Harry asked, a little shocked. Ivy often talked about Snuffles and constantly snuck out of meals early to go feed him.

"Miss Arora, dogs are not one of the permitted animals to have at Hogwarts," Remus said in a playfully scolding tone.

"Oh, I'm sure if you write my parents, there's still time for me to get one final howler before leaving this place," she said, only partly joking. She probably would get scolded once they learned of her involvement in all this.

As the group — Ivy was certain she'd never be surrounded by such a strange mix of people again — made it to the end of the tunnel, they helped Ron out first. He rested at the base of the Whomping Willow, which had gone still as Sirius had pressed a knot at the bottom of the entrance.

As Ivy, Hermione, and Harry knelt by Ron to make sure he was alright, Sirius wandered forward and stared at the glowing castle in the distance. His freedom was no more than a mile or two away. Harry watched him go with a longing expression on his face, one which they all recognized.

"You'd better go," Ron said, nodding to the man.

"No, no," Harry said, shaking his head. He wanted to stay by his friend's side while he was injured. "Don't worry. It's fine. I'll stay."

"You go. We'll stay," Hermione told him. They knew he needed to talk to Sirius.

"You okay?" Harry asked Ron, wanting to make sure.

"I'm fine. Go." Harry nodded and followed after Sirius.

Ivy looked down at Ron's wound, knowing she couldn't try any healing spells with how severe it was. As he shifted it slightly, Ron winced from the pain.

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