|19.|C E R B E R U S

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“Is she that girl.”
“Yes, one and only.”
“she also won the race.”
“I thought she was ugly.”
“shut up she might hear you.”

“Look, I told you she was pretty as fuck, dude.”

“Tsk. They are not couple, right?”
“Oh, I wish you are correct.”
“I really like that senior.”

“What do you think we should ship them?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean look at her face and she has prefect proportions too.”
“Don't forget she ranked one for straight eleven years.”
“And that boy he is also great.”
“He is the Chevalier heir, dumb.”
“Oh really? Seems like I am watching too much drama.”
“You know it's against the rule to watch any of those sort in school campus.”
“I secretly brought them from home.”
“Give it to me later.”
“So should we final them for our shipper club.”
“Shh, it's a secret club she might hear.”

There was more crowd than I expected every year but this time they were not praising my achievements but my connection with a boy.

The corridor was full of brats whispering wether we were dating or not.

Ohh, mimi, I wish I could shoot both of your legs.

I never felt a need to hide my face, until now. These good for nothing juniors seem to be having do much fun judging me.

I stopped at front of my gate. Took a deep breath and gave a long sigh. Gather up my fed up self and turned around to tell who is the boss here.

“Walk like a human, stupid.” I heard a voice as I bumped into a hard but soft and warm wall.

As I peeped up a little and realised I straight up shoved my face into his chest.

But wait, what suprised me most was him having muscles. Like real hard muscle.

How can he? When does he have time to make body?

“Shut up, stone head.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. Took my bag off and asked him to do me a favour.

“So is this your first wish?” And I glared him hard, he got my answer and went inside with no care.

Like nothing bothered him? Oh I wish I could piss him off but I had few people waiting up for me.

I saw them approaching my class, to peep inside the class from our window but slowed down when they saw me.

I was standing with death glare with my arm crossed up and my leg crossed over in a lazy but intimidating stance.

Just one month. One month I skipped my duties as a prefect and they are hovering around me like I'm a nobody. Dumb heads.

“May I know the pleasure, why is there a crowd near my classroom?” I gave all of them a tight smile.

The environment was awkward and confused. They were wishpering too much and getting on my nerves.

“If you don't disappear in this few moments. I can't guarantee if you could continue your classes anymore. I'll issue the detention card for all of you.”

I seemed bored because that's all I could do unlike alan, who could beat the shit out of the crowd and get away.

After all, I am an ideal student and he was not but trust me I was capable of taking down half of the crowd at once.

But the only thing stopping me was my image. Shit.

“Before we leave, I wanted to ask you a question? I'm the member of School newspaper group.” A noise came from the crowd and a small girl with a round large glasses, too big for her head. What a pain in ass.

“Sorry but this not an interview, kiddo. Maybe when you are going to publish the Annual School Magzine.” I shooed her away with my hands.

“Are you one of the head of cerberus?”

And suddenly the world stopped and uncomfortable amount of anger surged inside my body.

Why did she brought it up? Oh children these days really like to get on my nerves.

Why pick up a topic that was burried perfectly in the coffin for so many years.

The corridor was pin dropped silent because everybody knew nobody talk about cerberus even if they know something.

It only brings pain and trouble to them.

I looked at her small frame and decided to let her go because she was too small to know this fucked up world. So I let her stay in a delusion.

“I'm suprised kiddo, to come up with the old baseless rumour and try to frame a senior for that. Where did you learn such baseless thing? Seems like school authority have no idea what's going around the school premises. I should inform them.Right?”

Everyone was tensed and scared because it was a case hidden by the school but curiosity killed the cat.

But she seemed weirdly confident. she adjusted her glasses that was gliding down on her nose.

“I did research.” She was not wrong but nobody cared.

“If you belive it to be true you are challenging the school community itself. I'm pretty sure they won't like it.”


“Kiddo, I have no idea what you are saying. The authority strictly told us not to support anything that has been resolved by school and you have nothing to do until you were directly involved. Before your little group get closed up by school you should leave. When I'm letting you go.”

She was loosed her stance after hearing the close down and took some step forward.

As I remember those day, when me, mimi and alan were the real troublemaker of our school.

I just loved writting povs of junior.
And if you are wondering that aria and vin should be popular why does no one know that.

Because vin likes to stay under the cage and aria is famous by name to most of them.


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