|11.| M A F I A

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I'm a popular guy and I know it. I'm handsome and I never doubt about it. After all, my blood running inside my veins are of my mother's but I'm no beautiful soul like her. I loved the attention I got until I noticed how innocent and loving Rosie is.

How stupid of me.

I only noticed her when we got shuffled up of our high school years. The moment I noticed her I knew she was the one. Her cute doey eyes and sexy lips are killer.

" can't I get a yes? ", I asked her in a sulky voice.

" no and can you stop coming to me like that. What if they get wrong idea about us?", she pouted her lips.

Cute. She is more than enough for my reason to die.

" can't you give me a chance?", I tried to force out something from those pretty lips of hers.

"Alan I get how you feel but I'm still not mentally ready to accept someone in a romantic relation or try to even involve with it. I hope you understand.", she said trying her best not to be harsh on me. And they ask why I like her. I mean nobody did, but still.

" then when you are mentally prepare to be involved romantically. Please give me call. Okay?", I said.


"hey!!", Aria shouted.

" I don't know him", Rosie said as fast as Aria stopped speaking. I was choking inside so hard from the laughter. I could see the fear of getting noticed by one of my fan girls whom I don't give a fuck about.

She doesn't need to be scared about those bunch of girls when I'm here. after seeing her tensed face I started to change my topic for my troubled lady. Mr Alan always ready to save your day.

As I started blabbering some bullish, I noticed her totally drenched in water from head to toe, shivering while holding the coat tightly. The last time I saw her like this was when we were ten. She had the same strong yet broken expression and her skin turned pale, trying best to hide what happened with her. It was so hard for her to admit what happened to her. Remembering it back then makes my blood boil. I nearly broke every bone of those group of kids.

Aria is a soft kid who always hide inside the her new made up personality of strong and badass. I know she worked hard on herself to be like that but for me she will always remain that same girl who rejected me for three months straight to be my friend because I was uncool.

" who is he? These days boys really don't know to stay away from you. Seems like the rumour have long gone forgotten." , I was furious.

"I'm capable to take care of him. Okay?", she said.

I don't care what she does with that bastard but he should know that the one backing up her is me and if you touch her again, I promise that you will never see next day again in your life.

As a scream came out of the court Aria forced me to leave the area and do something productive in my life. So I listened to her and went to find that son of a bitch.

Well Rosie is a lifetime matter to solve myself but this bastard comes first before he slips out of my hand. I went towards the water area where she might have gotten drenched. I saw Vinny coming out of the corner. Did he do it? I don't think so.

He's too good to act like a stupid. I examined his expression, he doesn't look very happy does he saw that happened?

Before I could ask him he was long gone. So I went towards the corner from where he was coming. I saw a boy on the ground with some blood on his face. Good one, vin. I could feel from his presence he's the bastard to pull up this stupid shit.

"hey! Man can you help me get up.", do I look like a servant to him. I gave him one last chance to prove his innocence. Ignoring him I asked him, "by the way did Vincent beat you? "

"because of that bitch Aria."

I punched him on the face. As his head fell straight right on to the ground, he groaned out loud in pain, but I shut his jaw with my hand making sure no one hear his plea full noise for help. This motherfucker didn't even hesitate to call her bitch is she becoming soft now a days or he is just too self centered.

" don't ever say her name from you that filthy mouth of yours.", I warned him.

I took out my tie and tied it around his mouth making sure no one hears what goes around hear. As he struggles to stand up, I throw him back on ground. Squatting down I hold his face. I slowly started smashing my fist into his face. As the familiar pleasure hit my head, the blood was now showing up more from his nose and lips. I start punching with all my might on his face. Until all I could see is blood flowing out of his nose and mouth. It's has been so long I have been beaten the shit out of someone.

Even though this much didn't satisfied me but it was enough for him. I don't want drama like last time if he dies in such a pathetic way.

To think he didn't even tried to flinch any of my attack just shows how much of coward he is. Now I think why Aria let him go so easily. He's just not a worthy opponent for her.

"you didn't dodge even a single attack of mine and yet you had the audacity to pester Aria. I'm leaving you here because you don't even deserve much of my time. I hope you have learned your lesson well.", I stood up and removed my tie off of his face.

As I started to walk out of that fucking corner, I heard him mumble something, "I'm going to complain to the committee."

I started laughing, does he really think he's in the right place to do that. "do you think we are stupid? You"ll get codded for violating student code of conduct cause we have witness. Do you have one? How are you gonna prove me guilty? Use your brain not your ego, dipshit."

I'm the second son of Russian mafia don. Does he really think the committee will even try to hold me accountable for this bullshit. But if my mother knows about what I did here today, I would be six feet inside the ground. I hope he takes the bait.

I might be a future athlete they might be thinking but in reality I'm just a killer in the sheep's clothing.

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So how our mafia boi? I've been waiting to edit this chapter and i'm so happy it turned great.

mention your thought, okay.

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