A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hi HOEmies!!

Your currently going to start reading my first ever novel written by me.
Currently my age: 17 years, 8 months.

This novel is written with atmost conviction and working my ass off with this brain of mine so hard that I hated editing my own story.(I literally edited some chapter for five- six times that I hated that chapter for its existence.)

The story's grammer is really not in good hands, please dont point it out. I know it very well.

I am not a professional in this field and may not be able to convey my perspective but hey, everybody is like that in real life.
Just take a chill pill.

Also English not my first language.

I love you for choosing to read my novel.

For more updates make sure you follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.

Instagram: animasia2020
Pinterest: missnaughty234

For edits you can check my Instagram and for my aesthetic board about each character and the story. Check my Pinterest. That's it.

Happy Reading.

The Freak Beside MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant