|14.|P A S S I O N

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“Same to you”, he replied me.

“So, What are you thinking for your future?”, I asked him randomly.

“Don’t know?”, It was a surprise knowing that he has no idea about his life.

I laughed out his answer. ”Stop kidding, you can’t be that hopeless in your life.”

“Well, you guessed it wrong”, he sighed as he leaned his body behind for support, he moved his both hands behind his head and looked above the clear blue cloudy sky.

“The one and only Vincent?” ,I asked again to confirm my disbelief

“Yes, the one and only” , he gave long sigh and had no interest in this talk, still looking above to the endless blue sky.

“Then how about this: what do you want to be in future?”, i was not happy with his answer.

What does he mean he has no idea? When we all know what he will become in future.

But if he can't decide then how could a directionless person like me even do.

“Maybe win a noble price?”, he answered it way more quickly I imagined what he might answer.

“So ofcourse you are going to be a scientist? Mathematician? Physicists?or maybe Astrophysicist ?”

“no, none of the above” ,he said in a concerned and a serious tone.

“Why not? You are the most capable person I know.”

“It’s not easy as it sounds, Ria” , he chuckled sadly and I was too confused about it. Why? but he seemed a bit taken back.

“Fine. Do you want to grow old?” ,I asked another childish question afterall we have nothing to do.

“Are you leaving somewhere? Is that why you are asking me such weird list of questions? Are you okay? Did anyone made you sad, again?” he tilted his head after his long stare to the cloud he was looking straight into my eyes.

His eyes were asking if a grew a unicorn horn on the center of my forehead.

“Tsk,  what would even happen to me and you always have to be the mood spoiler?”

“Yes and No, I want to stay like this forever but I can’t and I want to grow up fast but I can’t because time is very strict with his rule ” , he seemed to be offended by what I said.

“How are you sure?”

“About what?”

“Time being a he?”

“I’m done with you Aria. You talk stupid and I don’t.”

“I’m very much offended by your statement, Mr. Vincent. What do you want talk smart? Like you?”

“Yes like me be a bit sensible when you want to talk something serious”

“Fine I’ll talk smart like you. I’m so Integrated by your Derivation of the Time that I might Rationalize myself into infinity” ,Wow is that me speaking language of god? I can’t believe I did it.

“Were you solving math last night?” ,he said with an unamused face.

“You understood it?” , I fake gasped at me knowing he would never understand my last bullshit.

“Of course, I did”

And I just laughed and laughed until my whole body ached.

“of course you did”, I faked his tone and kept laughing.

“So what do you think about passion?”, here comes my weird list of questions

“Passion is the lost love of our past lives that we make sure not to abandon in our current life. It is like the endless chase of nothing and yet it feels almost each and every thing.” ,If he was wearing a glass I would have chocked myself to death.

“So you are part time philosopher too.”

he chuckled, “No, I just felt telling you about it.”

“So, Physics was your lost love past life.”

“No”, he said. If there was someone from our class they would have died from this immense shock with me.

“Are you playing with my feelings?”

he chuckled, “No”

“Then what is your passion Mr. Chevalier?”

“I don’t know, she must be hiding somewhere from me?”

“Wait wha-”

“Omg, is this our sprinting cheetah who was running like a lunatic?” ,I turned around and Alan was walking with towel in his hand.

He ruined my mood.

“Omg, is it the most dramatic Queen of Queer history?” , I made sure it sounded very much uninteresting.

“At least I’m entertaining unlike someone.”

“Yeah just like a joker in the circus.”

“Yeah, whatever the cheetah likes. By the way what is he doing here.” , he gave a dramatic gasp while pointing his index finger towards him.

he moved his eyes sideways without moving his face and side eyed him telling to kindly fuck off and do not talk talk to him.

“So how does it feel that I let you win twice?”, he swiftly sat between us while we had to adjust for some space.

“Do you really think that you let me win?” , he said while moving away from him as Alan was just few inch close to his face.

“Well, yes”, he winked at him

“You dream a lot”, he said while looking straight to the ground.

“Hmph, you are no fun”, he turned himself towards me and I was already irritated I was finally having a deep conversation with him and he just crash landed between us.

“So what were you talking about?”, he asked me with shine in his eyes

“How to efficiently murder you and never ever get caught.”, And I smirked.

“really? and that too alone? very bad planning, Aria. I have taught you better”, he said with a smirk

“Why would I do it alone when Vincent is going to help, you know he is also not happy with you.”

“Vinny, are you going to help her. When did you changed your team. You are a betrayer”, At this point I was convinced that Alan was that clingy girlfriend who has just one dimensional character with two faced personality troubling her boyfriend who is totally given up on him.

“First of all, I was never in your team and second getting rid of you is much more easy than being with you.”


And before our princess tried to throw another tantrum there was announcement, as we looked back to the ground, I saw few familiar face and and and Naomi was there and I realized that it was her club members.

Her face was giving satisfaction and I was confused why create drama without telling me. I hate being clueless .

“What did she plan this time?”, Alan asked. So even he don’t know. I want to know the drama.

As one of the girl started announcing and I was just as surprise as everyone in the stadium except her.


Here comes the new chapter. Okay you might be thinking another filler chapter but it somehow has some hidden message and don't use your brain too much.

Just continue reading.

Okay I just love how Alan is so dramatic and let me be honest.

I am not a big fan of this chapter but bear with me next one is going to be more fun.


The Freak Beside MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ