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Sex in ARCADEIA, feels almost exactly the same as sex in irl. Well... now thanks to Nova, I only know what sex feels like in ARCADEIA. Hopefully one day, I will be able to experience the real thing with Nova. Losing our irl virginities to each other, just like we lost our digital virginities. I have gained another reason to win the Hunt. Be super fucking rich, and take my girlfriends virginity. Now that is a very powerful motivator.

The morning after our thorough exploration of each other's digital bodies. I happened to wake up first. I also almost passed out at the sight of the very beautiful girl laying face down in the bed next to me.

Her silver hair was loose, and laid around her shoulders. Her skin on her silvery back glistened with the morning sun, and the blanket that covered most of her lower half. Except for a very small part where the top of her butt crack peeked out.

I took a quick screen shot.

This is a memory I never wanted to forget, and I hope I can have a million more just like it.

I rolled to my side, to get a better glimpse of this angel laying next to me, and watch her peaceful face as she slept. I felt like I was being very creepy, watching a nude woman sleep. But I couldn't take my eyes off of her. My heart ached so bad it hurt, watching her sleep. A feeling of wanting to stop time so I could watch her sleep in this moment forever, filled my body.

I brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, and her eyes fluttered opened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said.

Her eyes blinked a few times, trying to stop sleep mode and enter awake mode. "Morning..." she said, her voice rough. She picked her head up, looking like she just slept for four days straight, then she rolled to her back.

Her breast revealing themselves to the early morning sun. "Good morning to you," I said, struggling to take my eyes off of her chest.

"Time's it?" she muttered.

"Just about 8 in the morning," I said, scooting closer to her, laying my head on the pillow near her. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and did the same.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Great," I said, placing my hand on her hip. "How about you?"

"Great," Nova smiled.

"I hope you don't mind, but I thought you looked so beautiful when you were sleeping... I took a screen shot," I said sheepishly.

Nova chuckled and kissed me, "I don't mind at all. It shows me how much you really love me. Plus... after we finished, and you fell asleep. I took a few dozen of you asleep too," Nova beamed.

"A few dozen?!" I said. "I need more pictures of you then. Hold still."

Nova laughed, and lifted her arms to lay above her head, exposing her chest for me. I took a couple pictures, before she took of the rest of the blanket. Allowing me to capture her entire body.

"Sick..." I said, looking at the now dozens of nude pictures of Nova in my gallery, with different types of poses. "I will definitely, use these later."

Nova laughed, and laid on top of me, "Why do I highly doubt that would be the first time you've used me as fap material?"

"Well..." I said bashfully. "Maybe once or twice before..."

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