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       In the next day, Nova had taken the night to rest up from getting the first Item. I could not sleep a wink. Way to excited and nervous to be going on a date with Nova to get any sort of sleep.

Then when the time came, I invited Nova to Se7en's house. Which was cleaned up and empty now, since he was in a tournament somewhere for a couple days. The door bell rang, playing the song Fruit Salad by the Wiggles.

When I opened the door, my heart skipped. Nova was standing on the porch, wearing the black dress from the 1999 movie, The Mummy, starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. It went surprisingly well with her silvery skin. And her silver hair was tied up in a loose ponytail.

"...wow..." I said.

"Is it to much? You told me to dress up," Nova said sheepishly. "I can change."

"No-no," I said. "You look...beautiful."

"T-thank you," Nova blushed. "You look handsome too, Brian," she smirked.

I was dressed up as Paul Walker's character from Fast and the Furious, Brian O'Conner. I had a black shirt and jeans on, with low top Converse on.

"Though, compared to you... I'm a little over dressed," Nova said, blushing a bit more.

"Don't worry about that," I smiled. "You look beautiful, and where we're going, you'll be the best dress person there."

"Where are we going?" Nova smiled. "You still haven't told me."

"It's a secret," I winked. "Trust me, you are going to love it."

"I hope so," Nova smiled skeptically. "By the way... this is a nice house you have."

"It's not mine, it's my best friend Se7en's house," I said.

"Oh, that's who you added to the clan. I was confused when I saw that," Nova said.

"Yeah, he threw a hissy because he wasn't invited to be in a clan with me. He's not interested in the Hunt so he's just there to be there I guess," I said.

"Is he here now? I'd like to meet your best friend," Nova smirked. "Maybe he has some embarrassing stories about you."

"Nope he's dead, we should leave. Our reservation is coming up," I said quickly, shutting the door behind me.

"Zer0!" Nova laughed.

"He's not here, he's doing some tournament for a couple days. It's just me here," I said.

"Can I see your room?" Nova said, her cheeks flushed.

"Sure," I said. Then I led her inside of the large house, and to a door on the first floor down a hallway. "Last room on the right," I said pointing to my door.

"Gonna let me in or?" Nova said.

"Jeez," I said playfully, and opened the door.

It was a pretty large room, well at least for me. It had a king sized bed, and was covered in posters from bands, games, and movies. Stacks of DVD's lined the walls, and figures of my favorite animes and video games sat in shelves. An entire shelve filled to the brim with mangas, and another filled with comics. The floor was a black shag carpet, similar to the Blaze Arcade carpet. The walls had dynamic backgrounds that changed every couple of hours. Right now it was a panoramic view of Arcadia Bay from the game Life is Strange. A deep personal favorite of mine.

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