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A few days later, we got another room back at Resort Boin, and invited Kirito to come, so he could talk to us. Nova was still giving me the cold shoulder from me pushing her onto the second item, so she would get teleported out of the Life Is Strange world without me. It didn't work obviously, because when she touched it, we both had received the item.

"Here," Nova said coldly, handing me my virgin Sex On the Beach.

I took the drink and sipped it, immodestly spitting it out. "Oh my god..." I said, my entire mouth burning.

"I had them put extra-extra­ Moonshine in it," Nova said smugly, pushing me off the beach chair into the sand.

"You have gone to far!" I shouted, getting up.

"You betrayed me!" Nova shouted.

"Am I interrupting?" A soft polite voice spoke from behind us.

Nova and I both turned to see a Japanese Avatar in all black, standing there politely. He had on a thick black leather trench coat, and leather pants. He was quite handsome, fair smooth skin. Black hair that parted down the middle, and a warm smile. He spoke with a soft Japanese accent, spoke better English than me really.

"Who's you?" I scowled.

"Pleasure to meet you, I am Kirito," He bowed. "You must be the legendary Zer0-Senpai and the beautiful Nova-Chan."

Nova blushed, my eye twitched. "Oh my... Nice to meet you two Kirito-San."

Kirito smiled warmly again, I stepped between them. "She's my wife."

"Yes, congratulations on your marriage," Kirito bowed again. "I was happy to hear, even in EGE, that love can still blossom."

"Zer0, sit down," Nova said, pulling my arm down. "Please, Kirito, join us," she motioned her hand to an empty beach chair beside us.

"Ah yes, let me change into something more appropriate," Kirito said. He opened his menu and started to scroll.

"Quit being a jerk," Nova whispered in my ear.

"He was flirting with you right in front of me. And you liked it!" I whispered back.

"He was just complimenting me, he also complimented you, but you must be to thick in the skull to of heard it," Nova knocked on my skull.

"How long are you going to be mad at me for?" I asked. "The whole sleeping on the couch thing didn't last but a few hours into the night, when you so subtly snuck into the Com Room and snuggled me!"

Nova gasped, "You know I get night terrors when I can't hold you!"

"You know what!" I said. "I'm not sorry! I am not sorry I made you touch the last item first. I would do it again, and again if it meant you were safe!"

"You just wanted to stay with that jezebel Max without worrying about me!"

"What is the matter with you. It's a crush on a girl that doesn't exist! You are real, a real girl, real funny laugh, real warmth when we touch, real smile, real beauty, and a real ass! You are always the one I'm going to choose you moron!"

We stared at each other, then we started to laugh. Nova let loose her honky beautiful laugh, that sounded like a cold start on a donkey in winter. And I laughed at it.

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