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When I came too, I was laying on the same beach where I found the letter in a bottle. As I sat up, tears streaked down my face. Waves of anxiety and anguish washed over me, hit me like a semi truck. My chest hurt so much, I thought I was going to start losing HP. But the pain, anguish, and overwhelming anxiety faded just as quickly as it came. I was panting, confused at the sudden strong feelings. Where those the feelings Alt felt? Did he put them in?

My inbox was completely full, I had forty missed calls from Se7en, and was getting spammed by countless alerts of different blogs and streams talking about the Scavenger Hunt. I had set alarms to monitor every blog and stream to alert me if anyone found any clue or item in the hunt. And now they were all going off at once.

I quickly emptied my messages, setting it to friends only. I still had over a hundred messages from Se7en, nothing from Nova. Her stream was over, so I'd guess she is hibernating right about now.

I set a bot to organize my inbox for me. From actual mail, to on the off chance someone else on the Scoreboard, to friend requests, to marriage requests, and finally to death threats. It quickly sorted my mail, and set the friend, marriage, and death threats to silent and empty on their own. Then I checked the actual mail. I had offers for sponsorships, add space, and my own brand of alcohol, all offering me money for me to say good stuff about their products. And hundreds of requests to appear on streams and talk with the host. I even got a request for an interview by ASDEF in the PNF studio.

Then I checked the blogs and streams. All of them saying the same thing.

Zer0 has found the first Item!

Links to the Scoreboard were set up to bring you to livestreams of a Scoreboard at any Safe Zone. Instead of clicking on one, and since I spawned in a Safe Zone, I might as well check it out in person.

The Safe Zone had more people than usual now, all of them staring right at the large jumbotron floating directly above the most center point in the town.



1ST ZER0 USA 200,000 ❶ ❶





Another Alert blast went out. I checked it out. Someone in Nova's stream took a still from the stream of when I was on it, and sent it into the PNF. They didn't even bother crediting Nova's stream. Then I realized, I just became the most famous Avatar in ARCADEIA in that same second.

And trust me. I wish I was exaggerating.

Almost at once, heads turned around and spotted me. They stared at me for a second, before their eyes went wide in realization. I was swarmed in seconds. Stuck in a large mass of Avatars, each shoving their CC's in my face, and all shouting at the same time, so all I heard was jumbled loudness.

I started to panic, and quickly teleported back to Se7en's house. My Avatar fizzed up, and floated in the center of the crowd, then I landed back at Se7en's front door. No one else around. I quickly sighed in relief, then opened up Nova's chat room.

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