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The World is on fire.

Drugs, war, killings, gang violence, riots, global warming, resource pools drying up, perverts that diddle kids, school shooters, terrible reboots, live action adaptations, and of course the worst of all, politicians.

Are some of the main reasons why this world is burning. Life took a turn for the worst around the 2010's. Small towns started closing, and becoming ghost towns. Mass migrations of populations swarmed into their nearest largest city. Skyrocketing their populations. In return, the food quickly dried up, jobs become scarce, and housing was non existent. The government did nothing to help, they were too busy filling their pockets with half of whatever cash you could earn, and stuffing their pompous asses with the nearest prick.

I was born in raised in a place called the Outskirts. The Outskirts is like an outer ring of Los Angeles, California. The inner city is called the Center, where you would completely forget the world was collapsing. Clean streets, low crime, high corporate espionage, and actual food. The rich, and people who have sold their souls to work dead end corporate jobs and live in the Center.

The Outskirts, where I was born and raised, was not anything close to the Center. Don't get me wrong, the Center is just as, if not more dangerous than the Outskirts. At least you'd see the bullet coming from where I'm from.

The Outskirts is basically the dump site of the Center. People who couldn't find a job, or wasn't cut out for the vileness of the Center, or just were pushed out or betrayed ended up in the Outskirts.

When the gas dried up, cars were just abandoned in the streets. Cars from the Center taken and dumbed anywhere in the Outskirts. Since the housing was non existent, homelessness skyrocketed. And the police pushed the bums out of the streets of the Center, into the Outskirts. Suicide rates also skyrocketed. People who didn't zero themselves, turned to drugs or crime. Run down streets, gangs on nearly every corner and skeezed out zombies stumbling around hopped up on some kinda of rotten junk. More likely to catch a rusty knife in the ribs then find a hot meal. Home Sweet Home.

The people who didn't want to kill themselves, drugs or crime. They turned to Video Games. The gaming market boomed, with people buying anything they could just to escape their shitty reality. That's what I did, and most of the world.

That's when someone showed up, and completely took over the gaming world.

Alt Kenway started off, as a pimply face teen in a small town of Garibaldi, Oregon. In his Junior Year, at the age of 17, Alt Kenway released a game he made all by himself, in a Frankenstein computer. His family was poor, and could not afford a computer. So Alt built one from scratch, using old parts from a computer repair store he'd worked at. Alt released his first game, BLOODHUNT.

BLOODHUNT was set in the golden age of pirates. Where you could create your own avatar and captain your own ship. Sailing around the Caribbean Islands, tormenting the nations that ran it.

It was so successful that Alt Kenway became a multi millionaire overnight. In it's first year, BLOODHUNT sold 20 million copies. In the second year, 120 million.

Alt Kenway dropped out when he was 18, and left his small town and his family behind. Moved to Los Angeles and bought a large plot of land, dead center of downtown Los Angeles. And created his own game development company. Divergent Games.

Today, Divergent Tower is the tallest building in Los Angeles. Towering so high, it acts as a beacon to the whole Outskirts. From anywhere I was, I could look up, and see in the smogy distance, the black tower with the bold red letters at the top, DIVERGENT GAMES. My dream was to one day be at the top of that tower, running the whole show.

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