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I figured out I was in some sort of long hallway, there was a hall behind me, and walls on each of my sides. But there wasn't one, infront of me. With one hand on a side wall, and one hand outstretched in front of me, I started to slowly make my way down the hallway.

Suddenly, a torch on a wall popped, and orange flames lit up a portion of the hallway. Then another one popped a few feet away down the hall. Then another, and another. Until they ended at a familiar wooden door.

It was wooden, round at the tops and had metal brackets on it, a round metal ring as the handle. I pushed it open, while I racked my brain on why the door looked familiar. The hallway entered a round dome like room, carved from what looked to be stone underground. There was a large table with a few linen wraps and embalming tools. A few scattered burial urns sat in the corners of the round room and a large empty stone coffin.

Everything looked familiar too me, but I just couldn't place it. It was driving me crazy. I had found another door, opposite to the one I entered the room in, and pushed that one open. I was led into another large hall, this one had coffins on each side of me, the two on the left were laying down, one opened and empty and one had a large stone cover on it. The two on my right were standing up, both of them were empty. The one on my left with the stone cover was making me nervous, I never did like Horror games.

Sure enough, a few steps into the room, the large stone cover flew off and landed on the stone floor in a loud—BOOM!

Then a boney hand rose from inside the coffin, tight leather greenish pale skin wrapped around the bones so tight, I could hear the groaning and creaking of the skin. Like you were stretching and twisting a piece of leather to it's limits. Then the head rose from the coffin, the same tight leather greenish pale skin tightly formed around the skull, an open moaning toothless mouth and eyes that were glowing blue. The thing crawled out of the coffin, and turned to face me, then I knew why everything was familiar.

I seemed to have stumbled upon a dungeon from the game, Skyrim. Released way back in 2011, by Bethesda. It quickly gained popularity, and had many re-releases of the game, each version slightly different from the last. And of course, everyone bought them up. I had played it myself a lot actually, which is why I wanted to kick myself for not recognizing it immediately.

The undead thing before was called a Draugr, a kind of zombie, a warrior spirit possessed one of these dead bodies, often found in tombs or burial sights. Which I guess I was at now.

Still armed with my trusty rusty, I waited for the Draugr to come at me. Sure enough, it pulled out it's sword, and charged at me. I sidestepped it's attack easily, as it swung hard and missed. I then buried my dagger into the back of the Draugr, and it collapses into a pile of red pixels, disintegrating after a few seconds. To my delight, I recognized the item it left behind. Floating about a foot off the floor, with a Gray aura around it. I picked it up, and immediately equipped it.



Which was by far better than my rusty dagger, and it's 1 attack power. An arrow flew past my head, and smacked into the stone wall behind me. Two more Draugr were coming at me, this time both of them had bows. Which was easy enough to dodge, I then recognized what dungeon I was in.

The coffin that popped out a Draugr, across the room a set of stairs, that led down to a large puddle of flammable oil on the ground, and two pots suspended by a bridge, with fire in them for light. I was in Bleak Falls barrow. Depending on how you play, it was the very first dungeon in your normal Skyrim playthrough.

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