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Three months later...

Vacation System—Resort Sector: Japan—Planet: Resort Boin— Cabana 117

Cicadas were buzzing, the air was thick with the perfect temperature for summer. White sand beach, and crystal clear aqua marine ocean set a perfect temperature for all who enter it. Neither hot, nor cold, but perfect all around. A light warm breeze in the air, and tropical birds fly with it. Beach chairs lined the perfect beach, with AI beach goers scattered around to make it seem more lively. A few hundred real Avatars reside in the Resort too, often showing up soon after us, anywhere we go.

"Here you go hubby," a shadowed figure said.

I shieled my eyes from the perfect sun, and the shadowy figure came to view. Nova's Avatar was standing infront of me, holding out a virgin Sex On the Beach. Her silvery skin lightly lathered in sunscreen by yours truly. (Loved every second of it.) Perfectly revealing but not to revealing red bikini that perfectly match my red swim trunks. A large floppy straw hat nestled on her smiling head.

"Hello beautiful," I said, taking the drink. She sat between my legs, and laid back against me in my beach chair. Her skin was hot, and slippery from the sunscreen. "I think it's funny, how you can still get sunburn."

"I don't," Nova said. "Everywhere except for my boobs and butt was burnt bright red."

"You looked pretty funny," I said chuckling at the memory of it. She gently headbutted backwards to my chest. I wrapped my arm around her chest and held her close. "This is perfect."

"It kinda is," Nova nodded. "Ready for the game?"

"Again?" I asked, and she nodded. "Alright you start."

"Favorite Anime movie?" Nova said. "Mines Spirited Away."

"Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop, 2021," I said.

"Huh... never seen it, cuddles and watch later?" Nova asked.

"Of course, but we never finish the movie," I said, and Nova playfully nudged me with the back of her head. "Favorite romance Anime? Mines Horimiya."

"Chunibyo," Nova said.

"Huh, never would of guest."

"Favorite EA game?" Nova said. "The Sims."

"Mirrors Edge: Catalyst," I said. "And the first one too."

"Really?" Nova said, and I nodded against her head.

"All time favorite game?" I said. "Beyond Two Souls."

"What even is that?!" Nova said. "Witcher 3. You keep saying stuff that doesn't exist."

I laughed, "It does to exist. It follows the life of a young girl named Jodi, who has a spirit attached to her throughout her life. It follows her growing up in a lab, being tested on because of the spirit who can move things and kill btw. And it follows her through her life, teens up to her training for the CIA. She goes to some foreign country where bad stuff happens, then gets turned into pretty much an assassin forced to use her ghost attached to her to kill. She gets fed up and goes on the run, with almost the whole government going after her. It's a masterpiece."

"Ok, you sold me. I'll try it out," Nova turned her head to smile up at me.

"I don't know if I've told you this, but you are extremely beautiful," I said, and kissed her.

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