Chapter Twelve

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                                          "Let us live, since we must die."

                                                                        - Seneca

Laying on my bed with my eyes wide open, I wondered; how was I supposed to sleep after discovering this?

With that kind of proof, the Headmaster will surely believe us, right? Save the fact that he'll question what we were doing there in the first place... there's a chance he won't, considering Annie's his psychic, right?

Despite the fact that I was battling insomnia, I refused to leave my room. Knowing that those creatures are out there, I'd rather not become another victim.

Morning finally came, and I remained by the lounge. I think I'll be fine skipping breakfast for just this once. Besides, I needed to wait for Annie -- we're going to the Headmaster right away.

"Hey, Grayson."

I practically jumped off the couch. Jenna gave me a look of confusion as I met her gaze.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Uh, sure."

She took a seat beside me, and I shuffled away. Sweat dripped down my forehead, and all I could think about was those heavily disfigured bodies hanging like raw meat in a slaughterhouse. "What's wrong with you, today?"

Jenna attempted to touch my hand, but I snapped it away. Her brows knitted upwards. Yet before she could say anything, I heard Annie calling me.

"Gotta go." I swiftly said, jolting towards her. I could feel Jenna's eyes creeping on my every step... almost as if she knew what was going on.

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"This better not be some sort of prank. I know for a fact that there is no tap-door by the altar." The Headmaster warned as we led him into the chapel.

"Sir, I assure you there is -- I've seen it with my own eyes." Annie spoke nervously.

She swung open the large oak doors, and scuttled down towards the altar. She then tugged off the carpet -- but to her dismay, lay no trap-door.

"What?" she muttered underneath her breath. She began searching the small area in panic.

I looked at the Headmaster -- his face was crossed with displeasure.

"It was right here! I swear to you!" Annie freaked. I remained frozen in shock.

"Miss Miles-

"Sir, I'm not lying!"

"Enough!" The Headmaster's voice boomed; Annie and I stood up, trying hard to avoid eye contact with him. "I've quite had it with this cult nonsense as it is. You've greatly disappointed me."

He remained silent for a bit, his gaze lingering on Annie before he said; "I thought I could trust you, Miss Miles. But it seems as if you're beginning to go down a path I mustn't follow. I can't even tell whether you're pulling off a huge joke, or if you've merely gone completely mad."

The Headmaster met my eyes. "Shame on you, boy. For playing a part in all of this." He turned back to Annie. "You of all people should know, Miss Miles."

The silence grew more excruciating loud, as the anxiety within me escalated. Finally, he spoke once more; "You are expected back here after your final course, until dinner time. I'll be generous -- but the next time you trick me into this unfunny joke, you shall serve a week in the Juve. Understand?"

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